After the Prophet seated himself Sylina sat down and listened intently to what he and Robert had to say. She nodded with him when he mentioned that Protech was run by government contractors and military personnel. It was the perfect target to garner support from commoners, while also making a point to the government and it's cronies that they were not messing around. Being an operation meant for stealth and muscle it wasn't something that she would likely participate in, though if there were prisoners brought back they would be questioned in her interrogation room. Johan asked what he could do, and he would probably be sent along, as well as Robert and Markus as they were more capable in that sort of operation. Sylina, however, offered a different sort of skill. If there was information to be had from an individual, she could get it whether they wanted her to have it or not. [b]"The man I was questioning before this meeting, he was employed by ProTech at one point. He now works for the government full time pursuing black market enhancements via network uplinks. He came here undercover only knowing that we are a source of those enhancements, but not [i]what[/i] we really are, or that he would be stopped by me. He may have some information I can... elicit about the best ways in and out of the building, and what gaps there may be in their firewalls."[/b] she waved smoke from Johan's cigarette from her face and leaned back in her chair when she finished speaking. The man currently in her dungeon presented a slew of problems, but he could possibly benefit them in ways that outnumbered those problems. Her mind had been racing for hours wondering what to do with him, and now it seemed she had her answer.