Enemies had shown themselves now. The saviours of Greenest were not going to cut the raiders any slack and rushed after them, into the descending stairs leading West. Orchid, filled with ambition for destruction, had darted off a good ten feet before anyone else, followed immediately by the clanking steps of the group paladin and those little lighter belonging to the cleric just after. It was only when a snapping sound sprang forth from under Kyra's foot that consideration for the reason of cowardice was brought up again in the minds of the adventurers. Intentionally weakened supports in the ceiling broke and gave way to a rain of stone, rocks falling upon the short bard and, by extension, the more sizeable tiger following after her. It was left to the quick reflexes of an adventurer to not be harshly bludgeoned by the gravity powered trap, but at least it was obviously kobold make. The size of the stones would make them not quite so lethal as to call everyone caught in them dead. The commotion of them rumbling down would be heard deep down in the tunnels, so now all would know something was going on here. All the more reason to keep up the speed, to not let the enemy regroup. The descent ended into a space divided between left and right, more stairs to the left while there was a room with flickering light to the right. And from the room in said direction they could hear the kobolds that they had chased all the way here. Orchid turned the corner, and could immediately see that this once natural cavern had been enlarged to house a larger force, of which a fair amount was present even now. Five kobolds were on the ground in the process of spreading their wings, four less winged ones preparing for a fight in this dead end of a chamber. Fifth kneeled aside sixth, obviously the one that Kyra had shot, making attempts at staunching the flow of blood with anything they could get their hands on. Currently, the tool of choice was a long and thick strap of leather it had stuck a piece of a torn tunic to. As the berserker roared his triumphant battle cry, the rest of the group began to finally catch up to him. The barracks filled with straw mattresses and haphazardly cured leather covers was looking to be the final resting place to a good number of kobolds on this day. Here, with the stone ceiling hanging low, even wings were not an ascertained escape. But even the cowards weren't expected to go down without a fight. With the roar of a tiger joining that of the berserker, its eyes glimmering in the flickering light, the battle was at hand. [hider=Mechanics&Rolls] The stairs are trapped! The first two (Orchid and Brannor) make it past it with a little luck, but Kyra has the questionable honour of triggering it. She is rather safe however, it is the one that comes behind her that faces the brunt of the blow. That being Parum. [@Ryonara], I am going to need a Dexterity save from you, at the threat of [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/13702]10[/url] bludgeoning damage that you can halve on a success. Assuming Torus was close behind (and that there was a bit of a gap between Kyra and the Bard), the Druid will also need to make one. [@Zverda], kobold ingenuity strikes again. Please roll a dexterity saving throw under threat of [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/13703]8[/url] bludgeoning damage. Other than that, you have reached the next room over, described in the post. It is a rather large space at the bottom of the stairs you just descended. There are eleven enemies present in total, ten of which look capable of fighting. Five kobolds with wings, six without with one of the latter laying on the floor. Torus would be the first in initiative order. The area after the stairs should provide him with enough space to manoeuvre in comfortably despite his current size. The next room over can essentially be considered a 35x35 square foot square, with a 5 foot extra on both sides at the Southern end of the room (where you are at). Of course, there is also the other set of descending stairs behind you. If you'd rather head there. And while I am at it, I might as well ping the rest of you so you are aware of things happening [@Lucius Cypher][@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@Norschtalen]. [/hider]