[i]In dangerous times, in times when you think your life is flashing before your eyes. You might see her, a woman clad in red, and you might in your fear think that she is a demon clambering for your soul. But I've met her, and when all felt lost. She gave me a way out of a hopeless scenario. So I think that she represents something more. I think she means hope for the lost.[/i] - [i]The Urban Legend of the Red Lady[/i] [hr] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1b8AhIsSYQ][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/569654709636300821/569911998352064523/44841-anime-scenery-anime-city-at-night-mery-moon.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h1]A Certain Parallel Cosmos[/h1][/center] Academy city, a bastion of scientific knowledge and technological prowess. Leaps and bounds ahead the technology of the rest of the world it is a city where Espers and scientist alike congregate in order to improve their understanding of the world, and you. Perhaps you were born here or migrated here, or even snuck in somehow. But for whatever reason of your own you are now here. In this city. A city which is known for its ups and downs being both equally as alarming. This is your tale of your life within academy city, and how you respond to the hurdles of both the scientific and magical variety, in a world that is both familiar and yet different. Welcome! To 'A Certain Parallel Cosmos'. [hr] [center][h2]How this Roleplay will be run[/h2][/center] This roleplay will be run in a Sandbox-living world style. Where players will be free to (During downperiods between Story events) to interact with, or seek out their own goals within the city. Which depending on the scope of said goals can be seen as event in of themselves. I feel these down periods would be necessary to allow players coming off the tail end of large events (like say something similar to the Angel Fall arc) to reflect on what has occurred or maybe seek out conversation with someone to learn about it. Or maybe perhaps for an example Player B had left your character under rubble and you want some sweet revenge. I feel that this is personally the best way to run this roleplay as it will focus on Academy city as a whole, and the anomalous going ons that happen to frequent this city as a result of its Esper population. [hr] [center][h2]A parallel world you say? What is different.[/h2][/center] [hider=School District 7: The Windowless Building and the man whom resides within it] [b]He doesn't exist[/b] or rather the extent to which his influence went does not exist at all which also means that as a result the windowless building is not present in School district 7. In this Parallel Universe the greatest timeline split is that Aleister Crowley, The man himself was whom was a member of golden dawn was killed in his prime as a result of infighting in the 19th century. Stemming as a result of a second timeline difference. An very well kept secret that occured in England as a result of an incomplete Grimore and a girl. However Academy City was still founded, although the identity of its founder is even more elusive. Some have taken to thinking that Academy City was founded and run solely by the Board of Directors. But the 12 of them do indeed know that the 13th sit is more then just honorary... [/hider] [hider=Hound Dogs] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/569654709636300821/569947718261276673/54247242_2012808049021165_8602128793425286222_n.png[/img] [sub]Replace the brownish grey with a bright yellow and you have the average looking Yellowjacket[/sub] As Crowley does not exist in this roleplay, and Academy City was founded by a different founder. The Black-Ops group known as the Hound Dogs do not exist in their original varient. Instead a different group know as "Yellowjackets" Fill in that role. Armed in a similar fashion, the main difference between the two is that Yellowjackets are generally better equipped. They are still no match for a level 5, but they are certainly a much more organised force as they a drafted directly from private military organisations and trained vigorously and armed with a mass produced experimental 'powered suit' that functions as limited defence against Espers. Generally Yellowjacket activity is avoided by the average citizen as their appearance is usually a sign of a cover-up or to detain a dangerous object or Esper. The Number of Yellowjackets never exceeds more then 250 at any time in order to maintain utmost confidentiality. [/hider] [hider=The Board of Directors] The Board of directors in this roleplay function very much the same as they did in the main universe. It is just a different set of faces. [/hider] [hider=The Subterranean levels of Academy City] In this reality, Below the sewer level of academy city is an extensive cave system. Accessing the cave system is strictly prohibited as a result of it being 'structurally unstable' the entrance to the cave system is through one of three points within the sewers. Those that have perchance entered through a new tunnel (before it is refilled in) report feeling Anomalous effects and it is difficult for them to trek further, this has been officially documented to be as a result of a odourless chemical gas. Hence the containment procedure. [/hider] [hider=HsPS-15 Suit] The Prototype powered suits that are used as the standard peacekeeping equipment look a little bit different this time. That is to say, the large dome heads have been reduced in volume. And unnecessary armour has been shaven off for both increased production time as well as allowing the suit wearers to move faster while carrying heavy equipment for rapid response. Of course this suit variant otherwise maintains the same weakness as the original, It is just a little bit more Efficient. [/hider] [hider= School District 22] The subterranean testing district that also featured a large amount of powered stations above it. In this reality its depth has been altered slightly so it does not extend to deep below a certain point as a result of "Structure instability due to cave systems." Otherwise the stuff is more or less the same. [/hider] [hr] [h2]Sheets and Rules, the finishing touches[/h2] [hider=Rules] 1. The GM has the final say on anything related to this RP. 2. Please do not intentionally try to haress other players or to insult them, this is not a place for arguing, if you feel it is completely necessary take it to PM's 3. If you find that you cannot post for however long period of time, please inform other people in the OOC, people with unexplained absences will be deemed as having left the rp if they are absent for longer then 1-2 weeks. 4. In terms of the idea of romance between characters, keep it simple (no pages and pages of romantic interaction nore reminding everyone.) and obviously don't go too far. 5. Do not engage in player vs player without another players consent. Likewise in terms of actual fighting do not god mode or proceed to perform actions out of the scope of your character. 6. Continuing on from the last rule. Any usage of Powerplay (Meta knowledge of events), Hopping (teleporting to an area without saying you walked there (remember that time is a thing), God modding (Invincibility/ All works perfectly all the time) and the like will result in a warning first and repeated offenses will result in your rejection from this rp. The 7th and finally most important rule of this is, do not act in a way that is intentionally trying to restrict the creative of freedoms of others. Either trying to Railroad those around you to accept that 'you are the best' or that 'you are the strongest.' This is not a healthy way of roleplaying. Allow others to react to you however they please and not try to force them into a preset path. With all that said. Have fun! [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet: Esper] -Faceclaim goes here, feel free to add explanation text below for anything like tattoos or markings for instance if your a rune user- [sub][b]Names[/b][/sub] [indent]Last Name, First Name, [/indent] [sub][b]Nicknames[/b][/sub] [indent]What other names are you called?[/indent] [sub][b]Gender[/b][/sub] [indent]What is your Gender?[/indent] [sub][b]Nationality[/b][/sub] [indent]Japanese is the most common[/indent] [h3]Characterization[/h3][hr] [sub][b]Affiliation[/b][/sub] [indent]Who are you currently affliated with, e.g school if your a student. Yellowjacket if a blackops member etc. [/indent] [sub][b]Personality[/b][/sub] [indent]Explain personality here, no need to be overbearing jsut get a majority of your character traits out in a way that people can understand your alignment towards things.[/indent] [sub][b]History[/b][/sub] [indent]self explanatory[/indent] ​ [h3]Esper Ability Name: Level ?[/h3][hr] [Indent][b][i]Insert ability explanation here. Add Gemstone to the end of level if you're a Gemstone, forgo this section entirely if your a normal person.[/i][/b][/indent] [sub][b]Equipment[/b][/sub] [indent][b][i]Any equipment they have on them, for instance some Espers have equipment to aid in using their ability (such as the Misaka clones)[/i][/b][/indent] [sub][b]Expertise[/b][/sub] [indent]Explain what else your character is good at.[/indent] [h3]Relationships[/h3][hr] [sub][b]Family[/b][/sub] [sub][b]Organisations[/b][/sub] [indent]Do they have any relationship to any Organisation, such as being a scientist under a corporation specalised in the research of Espers or a doctor etc, or maybe they were once a test subject.[/indent] [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet: Mage] -Faceclaim goes here, feel free to add explanation text below for anything like tattoos or markings for instance if your a rune user- [sub][b]Names[/b][/sub] [indent]Last Name, First Name, [/indent] [sub][b]Magic name[/b][/sub] [indent][i]A important part of mage culture, a person will often take a magic name in order to set up a goal that they wish to set their desires around summed up as a Latin word (i.e. Fortis, Honos, Regnum, etc.). A magician will dedicate the rest of his or her life by whatever means to achieve those goals that have been carved into his or her soul. A magic name then concludes with a three digit number so as to avoid identical names and is accompanied by a phrase often as a description of who they are and an elaboration of their disposition. So for this section make sure to include your name and a small phrase at the end an example of this would be Deus274 : "Heaven is the ultimate Goal of Mankind"[/i][/indent] [sub][b]Gender[/b][/sub] [indent]What is your Gender?[/indent] [sub][b]Nationality[/b][/sub] [indent]Japanese is the most common[/indent] [h3]Characterization[/h3][hr] [sub][b]Affiliation[/b][/sub] [indent]Who are you currently affliated with, e.g school if your a student. The Roman or Amakusian church is your a church going magus etc. [/indent] [sub][b]Personality[/b][/sub] [indent]Explain personality here, no need to be overbearing just get a majority of your character traits out in a way that people can understand your alignment towards things.[/indent] [sub][b]History[/b][/sub] [indent]self explanatory[/indent] ​ [h3]Magic name[/h3][hr] [Indent][b][i]Insert ability explanation here. Note Magic is based on Idol theory so its best to mention what type of magic e.g "Alchemy", note Mages can have multiple magics but specialists do exist[/i][/b][/indent] [sub][b]Magical Items[/b][/sub] [indent][b][i]Any magical artifacts they have on them. E.g a replica of a weapon of myth such as Ascalon[/i][/b][/indent] [sub][b]Expertise[/b][/sub] [indent]Explain what else your character is good at.[/indent] [h3]Relationships[/h3][hr] [sub][b]Family[/b][/sub] [sub][b]Organisations[/b][/sub] [indent]Do they have any relationship to any Organisation, such as being a Mage under a organisation such as the church.[/indent] [/hider] [hr]