Virgo laid down on a silk mattress. Master Parvus had returned briefly. He turned his hand and watched as ants tended to a newly planted flower in the corner of his room. He had brought new plants from the other world, Galbar, and had created ants to grow more of them. He stated that he liked that particular type of flower, and so his master had ordered them to plant them within his room. The concept of owning a room was still foreign to him. He understood that Parvus had dominion over the Hive and that there were other spheres owned by different gods. He still struggled with the idea of owning a part of the Hive. It was easier to view it as the room where he went to sleep. Sleep was also a new concept. He had experienced it multiple times, but he did not know what was occurring. Parvus has explained it to him, but he still did not understand it. He raised one of his hand into the light of the moss and examined the ring which his god had gifted him. It was a simple golden ring with runes inscribed around it. He could not read them. Parvus told him that they meant, "Protection to the Faithful. Toxins shall not harm the dutiful wearer." Some of the plants were poisonous and that this ring would protect him from them. He showed his god his work. However, he seemed less interested in the blue paste he had been working on, and more interested in the strange, stony beetle. It upset him, but he didn't understand why. The new plants excited him, but he was told to wait. Unlike the insects of the hive, they were not numberless. If he was not careful, he could deplete this limited resource. He was excited to continue his experiment, but for the time being, K'nell pull began to become irresistible. [hider=Might/Prestige Summary] No Might Changes, but Free Action to create Grove-tender Ants, which are ants that plant and tend to flowers and herbs introduced to the Hive from Galbar. Another Free Action to make the Ring of Toxinsbane. Virgo Starting Prestige: 3 +1 for existing, +1 for major role Ending Prestige: 5 [/hider] [hider=Story Summary] Short Post, Virgo has woke up and interacted with Parvus offscreen. He recounts the short interaction while laying down in his bedroom which Parvus made for him after explaining what sleep is. Parvus made the Grove-tender ants, which are populating the Hive with more plants for Virgo to experiment with, and the Ring of Toxinsbane, so he doesn't die when he is messing with some of the poisonous plants he brought into the Hive. The post is mostly Parvus contemplating this new information, and being disappointed that his god cared more about a rocky beetle than his blue paste. He then went to sleep again [s]Never to wake up again[/s] [/hider]