Avery had heard that the radiation within the zone could cause extreme sickness yet the young man felt nothing, he hypothesized that this must be cause by the extradimensional energies that flow through him preventing the gamma rays from effecting him. Delving into one of the run down houses Eldritch made a beeline for the kitchen rifling through the cupboards. Pulling out a slightly charred loaf of bread Avery smiled from cheek to cheek. "Score..." Jumping back out into the street Avery came to the realization that the entire street was empty, for now. Walking down the barren alleys Avery felt a sense of dread, where had the strange mutated creatures gotten to. Reaching a dead end Avery sighed loudly slumping against a dumpster. The dumpster began to shake violently as one of the abominations burst out wrapping a clawed hand around Avery's neck. The young man screamed in fear rousing many of the other horrors lurking in the surrounding area. A single vast purple wormhole opened a large squid-like creature bursting forth with a haunting shriek. The beast tore through all of the beasts with extreme brutality ripping them limb from limb with no care for the human life they once held. As the dust began to settle the huge monstrosity pulled Avery onto it's head and he rode the creature back out onto the streets. Coming across what appeared to be a stray dog the beast raised a single tentacle before Avery forced it to stop itself. Jumping off the squid he ripped off a small piece of the bread extending a hand to the animal. "Uh...Nice doggy, don't tell the men I'm here. Don't make Avery go back to the scientists."