Asran looked back at her, and smiled faintly. He liked how she was so unselfish to consider other people. Before thinking of being escorted home. Then again that was more his desire to do it than anything else. “Yeah, I’ll go deliver it. Thanks,” he said. Then walked off back to the temple going back through the hidden exit, and signaling to a now exhausted Markus. Who helped him disguise his presence, and flawlessly switch the illusion Asran for the real one. He stood up in his demon form summoning the attention of everyone there. They’d turned to him with faces of admiration loving how they were being rewarded for staying while so many left to go home. “[color=00aeef]With this joyous hour over so too does. My citizens, and family I bid thee to enjoy your full bellies, and souls as you dream of all your deepest desires. Given they aren’t perverse, cause I mean come on. I may be great at making dreams come true, but I’m no miracle worker.[/color]” A few people laughed at his joke. “[color=00aeef]But, in all seriousness. Go home, be with the people you care about. Who care deeply about you, and enjoy yourselves. Good night,[/color]” with that Asran waved to them all before returning inside followed by his priests bowing slightly to him as he passed. Once inside he was swarmed by everyone checking him over. Casting healing magic, and prodding at his body. They ignored him as he shifted back into human form. Then started lightly smacking hands away with a swatting of his hands. “Will you please STOP THAT,” he said as he’d become very irate. He knew that they cared about them. But, it was more of making sure their leader was okay then a friend. Save for Nadia who just smiled at him kindly as he ighed deeply. “I’m going home,” he said walking away. Ignoring the many protests. “Also Markus catch,” He said lightly tossing a bottle to him. Markus caught it, and smiled seeing it was a mana potion he chugged it down. “Thanks,” Markus said earning a smile from Asran. Then he left out the back way trying to head home. Despite the now massive crowds of people leaving. He swore he got passed around more than a ball during a game.