Sometime later that night - Africa [color=00aeef]"Alright everyone we're going to make it clear we're not just going after the big boys but also their lackeys. There is a paramilitary organization known as The Diamond Angels who operate in this area. Veda tells us that they're responsible for the Union's resource monopoly in this particular area. The AEU however has also been profiting from them as well by having them fight local governments preventing HRL officials from gaining any traction. They themselves are known war profiteers. They have seen action in the assault of the former Krugis Republic, and many other smaller nations."[/color] the voice of Captain Goren repeated over the communications link to all the gundams from his place in the ship. [color=fff200]"They have numerous mobile suits ranging from Hellions, and heavy tanks to outdated mobile suits. They also have planes, and other assault craft. They're a veritable army on their own. However the gundams should still have the advantage."[/color] Nea stated as she kept track of each individual position on the gundams. [color=fff79a]"They've got their main forces currently held up at a refurbished military base. Roughly eight hangers in total, an air field, and numerous other small builds. It's basically a fortress. Though the information is not particularly relevant they have mines, and a wall surrounding the perimeter. Armed intervention is being declared based on their promoting war by violently strangle holding resources, and war crimes in the local area."[/color] Hans stated calmly and quickly as he made note of the current locations of active suits. The majority weren't scrambled there was a five man hellion patrol in the air, two MSER-04 Anf near the front gate, and various small tanks, and a flag squad drilling nearby but not at the base. Other small squads ran about doing their businesses. [color=00aeef]"Plan is simple. Kyrios kills them from above, Exia assists Virtue in destroying the hangers. Dynames kills anything that tries to leave."[/color] [color=39b54a]"I'm taking position now manage to get into a snug spot near the mountains have a good spot on the whole base."[/color] Chad responded quickly as he looked down at the base. It was square in shape, and very large. Numerous large concrete walls, and steel gates. Barbed wire, and spot lights with some watch towers. Normally a frightening sight...not anymore these gundams dwarfted anything these cowards had. Besides that the forested area nearby hid the base from view of anyone who didn't know the area. [color=39b54a]"Think this is a bit overkill. I get this is a large base but is it necessary for all four gundams to work in tandem?"[/color] questioned Chad as Nea shrugged, and answered hesitantly, [color=fff200]"Veda says we can use this as way to show how overwhelming our power is by crushing a skilled military company right at their biggest base in the middle of the operation zone. Attacking anything bigger would require us to go after the actual armies inside the nations. And they're technically not promoting war just yet."[/color] Nea's responsible didn't change much for Chad it was time to kill some mercs...not that he had an issue with this it was just run of the mill. [color=39b54a]"Roger that."[/color]