Tristan let out a short, sarcastic laugh at Charlotte's question before actually giving an answer to her casual question. Though it probably wasn't what she would have enjoyed hearing, further enforcing her image of him as a "big meanie." [color=0072bc]"Fun? It might have been the first handful of times, but after more than... I don't know. Ten thousand? A hundred thousand? We'll just say a million times saving the world, it's gotten bland and generic. I can't see how your world will shock me at this point."[/color] With that, he'd take another bite out of the chimera leg that he held in front of his face like an over-sized drumstick. With their meal complete, Tristan would relax upon the cave rocks, not caring much about the continued absence of their still missing companion. Whenever the worried Charlotte would vocalize her concern though, he'd shoot her a glare as the demon kept the hero from napping. [color=0072bc]"I'm sure she's fine. Probably blowing up a hill somewhere in order to find some flint and steel to munch on."[/color] Not long after he stated his disinterest though, Charlotte would suddenly become aware of C-3's dire situation, rushing off and leaving the hero behind in the dust. [color=0072bc]"God, I hate random encounters. Just get the main plot done with and stop distracting us with bull,"[/color] he said with a sigh before pushing himself up from the hard rock face. [color=0072bc]"Wait Charlotte! Don't just rush into any fights! You'll get us blown up again!"[/color] he called out, carrying his sword and shield with him.