Alister scoffed. This woman saw her self as over powered but he knew even the undead could fall. Being this was was far too cocky an attitude for a true assassin. She was beautiful but Alister had a certain disdain for the undead. He began climbing to the second floor and stood upon the overhang and with a smile he said "this is a competition but we are ment to be true assassin's. We need to work together to sort this out." He began tracing steps from the upward point of view trying to discern where shadow might have gone "I have a lead on his location but I have a feeling he is too smart to just be caught like th-" his words stopped in the middle of his thought as he realized the hidden crease in the wall. His body shivered. Could he seriously be right here. How did he not notice the whole time. How was the sound so far away.....seriously Who the fuck is this guy. His mind was boggled and his eyes wide with shock as he stood there frozen in thought. The undead woman had just arrived and the performer was much too unskilled to have noticed, but how had this have avoided his perception