Neil felt his head, and with a mild relief he realized he'd not received a concussion. Though the fall had been jarring enough to have him worrying he'd fall over again once he tried to get to his feet. Luckily, it was a hollow worry, and he stretched his right leg to get feeling back into it. "One thing after another." he whispered to himself, ignoring Saxon's entrance. Despite himself, he was still amused by the big guy. He knew Saxon hated him more than he could ever hate Saxon. He approached the man Saxon had tossed to his death, and he gathered up the man's thrown assault rifle. Just a slug thrower, but it was better than none at all. He made sure the safety was on and he tossed it to Junebug, who caught it in her offhand and slung it over her shoulder. She still wielded her pistol in the close quarters of the inner ship. He didn't entirely trust Taya immediately with a gun, she was a tad shaken, though far less so than he thought she would be. "Well, it's not an Aelahyne ship. It's an old Troxis ship from beyond the Palantine Void." he said, squinting past the bits of rock and dirt that crowded around the cavernous inner corridor. It lead away from the dank chamber they found themselves in. Saxon for his part lifted his head and gazed at Neil in what had to have been confusion. Taya spoke up. "How can you tell?" Neil looked at her, and then looked between all of them. "Does no one remember when 2 million years worth of Aelahyne knowledge was downloaded into my brain? No one?...When we were stuck in the last Aelahyne ship?" "Ok, then what else do you know?" Junebug said. "Well apparently from what the Old One's knowledge tells me, most Troxis ships are shaped like Hammerheads from Old Terra, if you've seen the Holos. We're in the loading bay, and down that corridor is the...Pherysian Room, which is a weird room where the Troxis would...somehow reorient subjective time dilation in order to help last long journeys through space." Neil blinked, beginning to understand the words that were pouring from his mouth. "They literally stepped into vats that would change time around them and their ship, and live as if a thousand year journey lasted a neat." His last exclamation took the discovery awe right out of the group, and they still had a very real threat approaching from above. "We have to move." Junebug said, pulling Taya along as Saxon and Neil took point up ahead, barging through the broken stoneway into a wider chamber with, as Neil had guessed, broken vats half filled with a strange liquid of unknown dark coloration. "Where to now?" "The most defensible place would likely be to our right, if this is the same model ship I have in my uploaded memory." Junebug moved without hesitation, her pistol at the ready as she took point this time, the others close on her heels as they cautiously entered a strange room with no other openings or exits, with various walls as tall as Neil's waist set up eight deep, as well as sunken premade trenches in the floors and a portcullis-like contraption at the entrance. Taya looked around wildly. "W-...what is this room?" "This is the breeding room." Neil said, not wanting to delve any further into the strange Troxis anatomy that would cause a fortified room to be required for breeding. "Don't ask." [@Penny]