[hider=Character Sheet: Miko] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/L7hMi0D.png[/img] [b][color=f7976a]"Ah... that's a bother."[/color][/b][/CENTER] [color=f7976a][sub][b]Names[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Inugami, Himiko, [/indent] [color=f7976a][sub][b]Magic name[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][i]Tentai564, "In heavens name, I defeat you"[/i][/indent] [color=f7976a][sub][b]Gender[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=f7976a][sub][b]Nationality[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Japanese[/indent] [color=f7976a][h3]Characterization[/h3][hr][/color] [color=f7976a][sub][b]Affiliation[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]None, her own family[/indent] [color=f7976a][sub][b]Personality[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]While normally gentle and soft spoken, she absolutely dislikes doing unnecessary things, or things that annoys her, especially anything that disrupts her normally peaceful life. Once something like that happens, she turns into someone so far removed from her usual personality that one would be hard pressed to associate that with her usual self. Brash, loudmouth, and foulmouthed, Himiko becomes a rather impetuous individual, while still having the same morals and kindness, could and would be described as cruel, bad or irritated. It was a good thing that doesn't happen much in Academy City, and most would know her to be the only shrine maiden in a small shrine in a corner of the city.[/indent] [color=f7976a][sub][b]History[/b][/sub][/color] [indent] ​She was born into an old family with traditions older than themselves, one that was particularly religious. From her mother, she learned of her duties, becoming a shrine maiden in training almost as soon as she could walk. From her father, she learned of the world, of how people worked, its wonders, as well as his own brand of magic. Himiko had never really liked tedious things, and started developing shortcuts for everything. While tradition dictates she must carefully write the meaning of each paper talisman on them, she could simply slap one out with the kanji for money on it and it would work just as well as it would with more carefully written words. Her exorcisms included her outright punching the ghosts out of someone, her divinations were just her plucking out a card and finangling a divination out of it, and their ill attempted effort to get her into a magicians team of hunters as a support lead to her coming back dragging the rest of the injured team back after she punched out the target by herself. While her methods were direct and inelegant, it always yielded results. While her parents never really minded, the family's main branch were displeased at the utter disregard for tradition, and sent her to manage a small shrine in Academy City, reasoning that there, she would do the least damage to the family's reputation. [/indent] ​ [color=f7976a][h3]Shintoism[/h3][hr][/color] [Indent][b][i]A type of magic learned by shrine maidens, closely resembling shamanism. It is a system often needing specific arrangements of certain items to activate their magical effects as well as an emphasis on invoking gods. For instance a simple square of four(less or more depending on the size of the boundary) paper talismans could be used to create a boundary to invigorate anyone the caster targets as long as they are within it, or a small table, a cup of sake and a two candles could be used to hold a seance. Calling upon the dead, or even kami to talk to was normal for her. Even the future can be divined through various methods, though almost all were time consuming methods. More direct methods would just be throwing a paper talisman that explodes, or sweeping a gohei around to dispell negative energy. She did manage to make a method to mass produce talismans on the fly through sheer laziness as well.[/i][/b][/indent] [color=f7976a][sub][b]Magical Items[/b][/sub][/color] [indent][b][i]She only has some small prepared papers for talismans. There's also a holy sword in her shrine, but it wasn't really something she'd use on a whim considering it was the only object enshrined at her place.[/i][/b][/indent] [color=f7976a][sub][b]Expertise[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]Her amazing health, athleticism and intuition, honed through the various traditional defense arts included in her trainings, almost indefatigable stamina, a loud voice strong enough to make one's ears ring, as well as an offertory box that remained mostly empty for some undiscernible reason. [/indent] [color=f7976a][h3]Relationships[/h3][hr][/color] [color=f7976a][sub][b]Family[/b][/sub][/color] None relevant. [color=f7976a][sub][b]Organisations[/b][/sub][/color] [indent]None[/indent] [/hider]