[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/adb01259-53a5-4c37-8dd0-07d9259d9823.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uPTBuPR.png?1[/img][/center] [hr] Chopstick Eyes dragged herself sodden from the whipping waves of a grey ocean with rage in her heart, and a great knife in her hand. With the same pace at which she had marched across the depths of the silent sea, she advanced across the island. [center]* * *[/center] The densest cloudbank had taken some time to find, hidden behind its lower, lesser kin. The portal was in there: Chopstick Eyes could sense it behind the endless, pelting grey of the rainlands. She remembered its smell. Trudging through the mud to ascend a boulder directly beneath the stone ring, Chopstick crouched, and threw herself in a single bound, needle-straight, through the portal in the sky. Her environment changed. She somersaulted, landed feet first upon the edge of the ring. Through the haze, she could see the shattered manor. [i][colour=wheat]Oh no.[/colour][/i] [center]* * *[/center] Chopstick Eyes raised the gnawed plastic to her face and took a deep sniff, then pocketed the oversized toy. The saliva was dry, but it smelled like rain. It was the tooth-marks that worried her. She stormed out of Eurysthenes’ border-march, back to the So’E. [center]* * *[/center] [b][colour=wheat]“Li’Kalla? [i]Li’Kalla?[/i]”[/colour][/b] The Wand of Loudspaken shot her voice all through the realm, but there was only rain. [b][colour=wheat][i]“Li’Kalla!”[/i][/colour][/b] … [center]* * *[/center] The molves stirred when they noticed the foreign presence in the rain, one that was getting closer to the goats and to the other domesticated animals in Ya-Shuur’s enclosed lands. A few of them swiftly ran and barked at the goats to herd them deeper into the lands while others went to see what the foreign presence was and to warn it off. Two of them approached and spotted the strange creature that was walking through the forest. In all their existence they had never seen a creature like this and when they saw that it was heading right towards Ya-Shuur’s lands they loosed loud barks. These were far louder than any wolf’s bark and were meant to scare off creatures. Not far away Ya-Shuur heard the barks and he stirred. Ivy and moss were growing all on him and there was a bird nest on his head. He moved carefully to not disturb the nest and released himself. Then he went to investigate what his faithful molves were barking about. Behr-Aat was next to him. The voice, when it called, was tired. [colour=wheat]“Hello?”[/colour] For the first second, the knife wasn’t visible, its polished surface reflecting too perfectly the mulch of the woods below. Chopstick changed her stance slightly, and the giant blade shifted, showing in its reflection the face of the molf that was hounding her. The beasts kept themselves low on the ground, growling and barking and cornering her, but the little godling didn’t move, did not so much as look at them. Her sticks were pointed squarely at Ya-Shuur. [colour=wheat]“I… found your dogs,”[/colour] she began. [colour=wheat]“They found me.”[/colour] Ya-Shuur looked at her and blinked in shock. It had been so long since he heard speech from anything other than those droning magpies. And the other shock was that Chopstick Eyes was quite scary in appearance. When he had shaken away the shock he told the molves to back away. They did this and quickly got behind Ya-Shuur but they shot Chopstick Eyes suspicious looks and growled slightly when she scratched the back of her neck. “I am sorry if they scared you. They don’t take kindly to strangers.” Unfamiliar with knives, he looked at the strange sharp thing in her hand and held his herding stick warily. “Who… who are you? I have never seen you before. And… and what’s wrong with your eyes?” A look of concern was on his face and he grimaced in pain a bit as he looked more closely. “Don’t they hurt?” Chopstick considered for a moment, one edge of her mouth tightening slightly. [colour=wheat]“...Don’t yours? They’re round and slippery. Must be a real pain to shed them.”[/colour] She breathed in, exhaled. Ya-Shuur was lost in thought for a few moments as he thought of what the strange creature had said about eyes. He had only ever seen Li’Kalla’s eyes and those of Vakk and then all the creatures that dwelled on the island. None of them had sticks coming out of their eyes unless they were injured in some way. [colour=wheat]“Never mind. Forget the dogs, they don’t bother me. I’m looking for someone.”[/colour] Her gaze had wandered, but she returned it now. [colour=wheat]“How long have you been here?”[/colour] Ya-Shuur frowned and tried to work out what she meant by that. “How long? Well… I have been here very long. I was here when Li’Kalla still lived in her manor but now there is only a terrible dragon there. I was here when it was all ruined and I was here when the goats were wild and alone and the bear and the wolf preyed on them. I was here before I saw that goat defying the darkness and felt that name was mine and then I was here after that too. I was here before the wolves befriended me and after that and also when the great beast called Zer-Du came and ate my friends.” Chopstick’s knuckles whitened on the knifehilt. “And I was here before I had horns and then after that as well. And before there were molves and after that. And I was here before water-goats and after water-goats and before they ran wild and after some of them were placed in the lake and became tame. And I was here when the cat was wild and when the ass was wild as well. I was here before the magpies learned to talk and after. That long! I used to count how many times the light came up but then it came and went so many times and I lost count.” Ya-Shuur was very excited to meet someone who could speak and understand him, so he had gotten ahead of himself a bit, but then he blinked and realized that the other person had not answered any of his questions. “Oh, but you didn’t tell me who you are. I have never seen you before and I have travelled all over the island many many times. How long have you been here? Why have you come? Who are you looking for?” [colour=wheat]“I’m the god with chopstick eyes,”[/colour] said the god with chopstick eyes. [colour=wheat]“I’ve been here… I don’t know. A few weeks, maybe. Before that I was here for a long while. I’m looking for... a friend.”[/colour] She shifted her weight a little. [colour=wheat]“Who are you? ‘Goat Defying the Darkness’? Tell me about the dragon, and the beast, Zer-Du. And tell me about the bear.”[/colour] Ya-Shuur would have showed that he found her name delightful, but he could see now that she seemed a bit troubled and serious, so he kept his own face serious too. “Okay.” He said, nodding. “I will tell you about all these things, but let’s get out of the rain. Come with me and we can go to my home and talk more.” He looked at her giant knife again, both curious about it and afraid at the same time. “But please don’t use that on me or my friends.” [colour=wheat]“I… won’t,”[/colour] said Chopstick Eyes. She licked rainwater off her lips, tongue running for a moment across the scar in her mouth. Even she could taste the naivety before her. [colour=wheat]“Let’s go.”[/colour] Ya-Shuur led the way through the lands he had enclosed. [hider=Summary] Chopstick arrives on Li’Kalla’s island, very late. She looks around the So’E and finds signs of what happened, but no Li, and eventually returns to the island. After a while she is found by Ya-Shuur’s herder wolves, and Ya-Shuur comes to investigate. The two have a brief stand-off, Choppy being deeply suspicious, but eventually leave to go talk somewhere more sheltered, Ya-Shuur offering to answer some questions she has. [/hider]