[center][hr]It was a night of confrontation in Miso City. Seyrun confronted the tenuous hold she had upon her limited view of reality. Siblings bickered and tipped the cosmic scales with their squabbling. The light chased answers in the buxom of shadow. And the camraderie of the Dark drew in a Nightmare fouler then pitch. The warmth fled Ami's home as the windows blew inwards, pelting them with shards of glass as the earth trembled from a great and hulking mass which struck the pavement outside. Carried upon that very same wind was a roar that reverberated into the bones of every magical girl present, a deep, primal thing that spoke of an insatiable hunger. It was followed by the sound of a CRT monitor shrieking under strain before yet more glass shattered and plastic gave way. Outside was a [url=https://imgur.com/XAWLCvy]beast the size of a one bedroom household[/url], dwarfing all those present as it heaved it's hole body with every ragged breath from the crater it made of the street. Flickers of movement radiated away from it as the Mascots fled, but at a glance they could by the detritus littering this Behemoth Nightmare's teeth that at least one mascot had not been so fortunate. The girls could faintly see the passage of the little creature, the crimson rents in Nightmare's hide glowing as it was passed deeper and deeper into the core of the beast before stilling. A second roar from the Behemoth would shatter the petrification which gripped the Magical Girls as it set its sights upon them, a baleful intent striking them like a wall of humid air that clung to their pores and refused to be shaken. A more physical miasma began to radiate from the beast, cloaking its features in an umpentrable umbra that extended a few feet around it. Yet still, four malevolent eyes could be glimpsed through the haze, and they all centered in upon the transformed Mascot petrified upon Tsuruga's lap at the back of the room.[hr] [/center]