[hider=Kamina] Name: Kamina Species: Magikarp Gender: Male Level: 7 Moves: - Splash - Ember - - Bio: Like most of his kind, Kamina was forced to endure vast amounts of torment at the hands of other Pokemon. For so long, he was forced to serve as the punching bag for others. Being so weak, he also had great difficulty finding food for himself. Normally, this would be enough to break anyone. Shatter their fragile mind and sense of self worth. Sending them into a spiral of depression strong enough to break even the most battle harden warriors and turn them into mere shadows of their former selves!.........Kamina however, was far from normal When Kamina took a good long look back on his life, remembering all the torment, all the pain, those many days he went hungry, those times he almost died. He took it differently then most would. He took it as a [b]challenge[/b]. That lit a fire in him. From that day on, Kamina spent every second he could training. Although, due to his only move being completely useless, he didn't make much progress. However that failed to discourage him, if anything it drove him further. He worked himself to the bone day in and day out...and didn't have anything to show for it. One day, after he had worked his body too much to work with his insane training, a group of nasty Pokemon found him. They beat him severally, laughing as they did. But Kamina didn't scream, he didn't even cry. he was too tired to do either. As he fell into unconsciousness, he felt his body drifting away on the currents of the sea... When he woke up, he was on a strange beach he had never seen before. He could also make out a faint rainbowish glow off in the distance above the sea. As his mind caught up to his body, he noticed that in his sleep, his body had been fully revitalized. Excited and ready to resume his training, he accidentally shot pellets of fire out of his mouth. Instead of questioning how he managed to learn a move that his kind shouldn't be capable of preforming, he immediately attributed it to his 'burning spirit' as a result of his 'passionate hard work.' He decided right then and there to continue his training on land to become the most badass Magikarp ever... ...before moving on to becoming the greatest Gyarados that ever lived Appearance: Is a much deeper shade of red then the rest of his kind, with the crown on his head a deep blue color Differences: Is part Fire type [/hider]