Seems like his capture garnered some attention... the others were talking about how to avoid possession, and Shaula had some sort of plan, somehow. Trevor didn't really have much, if any faith that her muffin things would work to stop that, and Mia came up with a more sane plan... ask the populace about the ghost dragon to see if THEY knew anything about stopping it. Trevor dropped the thief, and he scurried away like the mouse he was, and Trevor started asking around. [color=ed1c24]"The ghost? NOOO! Stay away from there! The ghost is all-powerful! He's the reason why we don't go into our own crop mines, anymore! Didn't you see the giant metal wall on your way in? That's to keep him in, and us OUT!"[/color] and [color=ed1c24]"Ghost? You mean like the one that's haunting most of our crops? I'd stay away from him, he's evil,"[/color] were good examples of the information Trevor got from them. Unfortunately, Trevor couldn't get any ideas on how to stop the possession from talking to them, but he DID know where the ghost WAS, which was behind that metal wall that seemed to be guarded by a golem made of rocks and stones... of course, now Trevor had a new problem... how was he going to get past the wall? His claws were only so tough, and that thing couldn't be thin enough for a simple slash to work. While he was thinking, the moles all started to line up for something, well, maybe not ALL of them, but a pretty good portion of them... oh, right, the event or whatever. That probably wasn't important for any reason, right?