Al'nehak returned the bow. "Thanks again for everything Kumiko. I'll see you around." She left the guild hall. The streets bustled with activity despite the delays in the festivities. "From what I read, the rendezvous place is over there. I still have some time until then..." Setting down her backpack she browsed the contents inside; a day and a half worth of provisions, cooking utensils, dirty clothing, her journals, and a few trinkets and gizmos she picked up along the way. Two empty healing vials were tucked in the side pockets. A third was halfway full. She sighed softly. "Some shortcut that turned out to be," she muttered to herself as she took the half empty vial out of the bag and placed it in pouch around her waist. "At the very least, I still have my spellbook and quarterstaff with me. Hm...might as well finish some of these provisions, going to treat myself tonight after this after all!" Al'nehak stood up, putting on her backpack, her mouth chewing on some meat jerkies. It was time rendezvous with the other adventurers. After walking for a while, she arrived at the gathering. Indeed, it was a rather large gathering of adventurers. "Hoh, this looks a tad bit serious," Al'nehak remarked to herself. Judging by how everyone was still waiting, she reckoned that whoever who was suppose to lead them wasn't here yet. Al'nehak sat down on some steps and with a keen eye, began to observe those who would fight alongside her.