[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170609/6993f16961e0f0769efda621e785818a.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=998849]October 31st, 1943 - Where to now?[/color][/b][hr][hr][/center] Siduri sat there quietly, noting the two that came in a bit late. They had been with them earlier but had branched off. The woman gave no indication that anything was off by them coming in late. They were quiet when they entered and didn't seem to disrupt what was already going on around them not those talking. Ben glanced over at Andromeda as she came in and then looked away, back out the window. He just seemed to be watching as the last rays of light came in from the setting sun, lost in thought or just trying to avoid the conversation. Why he was there wasn't exactly evident as he didn't seem to talk much and only helped Siduri around right now when she moved from one point to another. Having her seated right now, it didn't seem as if he was needed but he didn't leave. Glancing over towards Faith there was the slightest of shrugs from the woman. [color=D8BFD8]"Wo tends to be about, though she prefers New York. One should try Chateau De Babylon. The woman.."[/color] she said before pausing and trying to find the right turn of phrase for this. [color=D8BFD8]"Is an experience, no matter the mood you catch her in. I do hope she is feeling friendly,"[/color] Siduri said in soft voice as she rested her hands in her lap. There was a slight smile as her eyes drifted over towards Gilbert. [color=D8BFD8]"One is never ready to face a dragon until after they have fought one. Though I have to wonder why you wish to face one instead of another,"[/color] she said before looking away and towards the window where Ben was standing. [color=D8BFD8]"Perhaps once you have closure you can focus on the true issue. The humanity is surprisingly high among you all. Both an advantage and a disadvantage at this junction I would say."[/color]