[h3][center]Viola, Melody, and a Tree[/center][/h3] [hr] Meruin nodded. It looked like her venture here was over for the moment, which was all the better for her really - it honestly felt as though she were simply strung along for the ride by La'Tavia. With that being said, the diminutive mage made for her the train station - hopefully the better classes and field trips weren't filled yet. Plus, she'd need some supplies for later, so she ought to visit the shopping district as well. Back with Viola and Melody, the sole remaining treant "hmm'ed" as he sought to answer Viola. [b]"Those are a great many questions, little flower. But I will try my best to answer them."[/b] The great oak made to sit down - a messy feat for a creature with no joints - and "hmm'ed" again. [b]"Perhaps, I may start with this forest,"[/b] he began. [b]"The forest is an old one, and it was also where many of us treants sprouted, when we were mere saplings."[/b] [color=bc8dbf]"I assumed as much."[/color] Viola replied. [color=bc8dbf]"This forest reminds me of home, almost."[/color] She chuckled lightly, still licking the lollipop. [color=bc8dbf]"My forest was much...darker, though. Somber. Melancholic? But your forest seems so much more lively. Tsk, if only I wasn't a novice..."[/color] [b]"Hum, well, this forest of ours is quite lively, but with liveliness comes risk,"[/b] cautioned the old tree. [b]"While I don't quite understand all this 'novice' business, a little flower like you would be naught but nourishment for the forest."[/b] [b]"Still, there was a time when anyone could come and walk through our forest - many of them children, though not all of them suffered the same fate."[/b] The tree hummed again. [b]"That adventurous time is gone, another consequence, I suppose, of the Archemages' rules. Many hold that such rules hold no place for our forest, but us treants have no care for such arguments, so long as our Flower is safe."[/b] Melody looked between the Treant and Viola. [color=ec008c]"I might be able to get you into the forest!"[/color] she piped up, as she landed softly on the ground, [color=ec008c]"I'm a JourneyWoman, so they'll let me in if I need to."[/color] She started to say, before standing up, [color=ec008c]"I'l love to go in the forest, it looks pretty, and I can't practice my magic out in the open anyway."[/color] [color=bc8dbf]"Haaa, as much as I adore your enthusiasm dear Melody, I doubt they'd let me into the forest., even if I am used to frolicking through the woods."[/color] Viola sighed. More curiously though was talk of this flower the Treant mentioned. Now that was a juicy bit of information she could perhaps use. [color=bc8dbf]"...flower, my dear Treant?"[/color] Viola glanced up at the hulking tree curiously. [b]"Hrm, oh yes, our Flower."[/b] The treants voice had taken an gentle, almost reverent tone. [b]"Treants do not have flowers, you see? They do not grow on us, like leaves and branches - but rarely, or perhaps only once? for I have not heard of another - one among our kind grows flowers."[/b] The treant paused, contemplating its next words with great care, not for the sake of caution, but so that it could properly convey the magnitude of its emotion. [b]"It is a . . . wondrous thing. Forgive this, hrm, hasty statement, but you humans do not know beauty, until you have seen a treant that bears flowers. For many who gaze upon her, it is love at first sight - not love like a human, but love like a treant, and for those unlike a treant, it is a terrible thing indeed."[/b] Melody positively grinned as the Treant said this. [color=ec008c]"I wanna see, I wanna see. Where is she?"[/color] She asked. It was everything she had to not run off into the woods and start looking for her immediately. She wanted to see something so pretty soooo badly. [color=bc8dbf]"Don't know beauty? And here you have my adorable self perched on your shoulder. I am hurt."[/color] Viola replied with an impish giggle. [color=bc8dbf]"But no...I understand, my dear Treant. I grew up surrounded by a dark, wonderful forest whose smell of dark mist and pine needles I do so miss. Humans oft in this day and age do not understand the beauty of nature...pity, really."[/color] Viola said with a sigh, [color=bc8dbf]"Humans do need to live much slower, but alas with such short lifespans most can't afford it..."[/color] Smirking lightly, Viola Looked towards Melody. [color=bc8dbf]"Perhaps if this kind Treant wasn't bound by his contract he would show us...alas, such contracts are all binding and irreversible unless both parties agree."[/color] The treant hummed, a slow, postulating rumble. [b]"I would love for you to meet our flower - she is of a curious nature, and would dearly love to talk with more humans."[/b] Looking at Violet, the treant lifted her from her perch on his shoulder, to face her at eye level. [b]"Once you've been given permission to stroll through our forest, let us see her together, eh?"[/b] [color=bc8dbf]"It is a deal then, my friendly little tree."[/color] Viola smiled. [color=bc8dbf]"But I do believe I should do that human thing and hurry along now. Perhaps we could discuss more later? I do so would love to hear more of your histories."[/color] With a rumbling sound of assent, the treant put her down and stood up. [b]"It was good to meet you, little violet. Now hurry on along. The treants will be here as always. It was a pleasure to meet you as well."[/b] It said, waving to Melody. It climbed over the wall, joining the rest of its brethren in their vigil.