Ryuuga stood on the deck of the ship, leaning excitedly against a railing as he saw his hometown appear in the distance. He had woken tied up and gagged in the ship storage along with a note saying [i]"Don't come home till you win the tournament"[/i] after falling asleep the day before on his 16th birthday, very likely due to some weird test concocted by his dear old mom. The young trainer wasn't deterred at all and felt excited at being on such a nice ship and that his mother finally gave him the independence to travel the islands. He took in a deep breath of air, tasting the fresh salty winds before shouting at the top of his lungs at the island [color=a187be]"I'M GOING TO WIN!"[/color]. Calling out a challenge to the entirety of the islands, a challenge he would commit his soul to win. Ryuuga left the logistics on how he was supposed to travel the islands, how he was going to make money or even where this ferry was going to later. For now, he just felt on top of the world.