[color=00aeef]"It's rather simple really, an alliance of sorts. I assume someone who feels secure enough to claim a city as oft fought over as Penrose would have the resources I'm looking for. My offer is pretty simple. I'll work for you if you pay me, not in protection or some other nebulous thing, but rather in magic. Be they magical coins or any other source of mana and magic, at a negotiable rate of 30 silver coins or the equivalent every two weeks. If you're willing to pay that or offer something better, I'll be your most steadfast supporter. If not, I'll ignore your existence as long as you don't get in my way. I don't plan to overthrow you or anything, so if you're simply going to refuse there's no impetus to worry about me. But that's my offer."[/color] [@Ariamis] [hr] "Hey Alicia? I'm gonna go ahead and use plan B, okay? Otherwise, I think I might have enough mana to screw this over, but... I don't know that I'll make it out since I'll be drained, which would really defeat the purpose, y'know? I'm not convinced I'm going to be much use this time." Summer said sadly. [@Flamelord][@Crusader Lord]