Sara couldn’t help but chuckle at the sheer amount of shenanigans that gravitated around the Emperor, her teeth flashing as everyone took their turns at unsubtly harassing Yuudai. It was getting to the point of being a bit rude though, and she was seeing now how the group was fragmenting, all centered around the long-eared self-proclaimed ruler. Off on one side, those who were totally done with the rest of the group formed their miniature adult-circle. Other quasi-bullies no doubt derived enjoyment from bullying Yuudai and would probably be bundled up together pretty well. And then there were those who decided the best method of moving forward was to just ignore everything except for Aloe and the Receptionist lady. [color=39b54a]“Eyup,” [/color]Sara chirped, smacking the elf on the back as rabbit-man and Astrum dispersed to follow after the receptionist, [color=39b54a]“You’re definitely not short, Yuu. Unlike those two, you got a good couple years more to grow bigger, right? Just eat well, exercise well, and soon enough, you’ll be the one patting them on the head.”[/color] Though considering how blush-y Astrum was, he’d probably enjoy it regardless, hm? A secretive smile surfaced, before the green-haired dwarf headed on over, listening to the whole explanation on a whole buncha things. It felt a bit long-winded, but she did gasp appreciatively at the ball of fire that popped out of nowhere when the receptionist spoke up. That was pretty cool, and in a way, more reasonably impressive than Aloe’s space-portal-warp thingy. Enflame, hm? Sara nodded along, mulling that nugget of information over. Verbal and Focus Casting, Skill Acquisition, and Stamina. Nice and simple. Less simple was the task presented before them: equipping themselves with whatever was appropriate. While some people had it easy (gunners just take guns, while mages and rogues didn’t seem to want for anything at all), Sara spent a good long while by the racks of second-hand equipment, trying everything out carefully. Her clothes no longer fit, after all, so she needed something practical for everyday wear as well. And if she was expected to be on the front, then it only made sense that she also take all the armor she could, right? Sara wasn’t greedy, but if she was expected to save the world from the darkness, well… Gotta get freebies while she could. Boots came first, and thank god they were the hardy type, like construction boots. Greaves were next, and after some fumbling around, she found a pair that used laces rather than belts and buckles to tie things together. It was definitely a weird feel, but Sara had banged her shins against tables before, and that was NEVER a good feel. The metal knee guards she found were a bit banged up and definitely her fit though, and with disappointment lingering in her expression, she let it go free, back into the bin. As she did though, the rustling of chain caught her attention, and Sara immediately zoomed forth to pull a hidden treasure out. A chainmail shirt that largely fit around her! The bottom was a bit loose, but she could tie it down with rope or something. And it was flexible too! What more could one ask for, really? Worming her way into it, Sara was just about to equip it on completely when a stinging pain burst out on her scalp. Wait, no, not just one sting, but several, the agony of hair getting caught in links of metal. She winced, she bit her lips, she did a weird dance, she regretted every life decision that brought her here, and after ‘augmenting’ the dull gray armor piece with some strands of green, the dwarf girl managed to get it off. A toque, that’s what she needed. Cloth headguards were easy to come by, thankfully, and round two worked fairly well, her hair spared further distress. But now, it was her bare skin that was chaffing against chain, and with a bit-back curse (who knew which of these adult-looking people were children on the inside, right?), Sara struggled out again, massaging places on her body that had been scratched by the gritty metal. Armor wasn’t comfortable, yes, but that didn’t mean it had to be painful, right? Good news came in the form of padded linen jackets though, long, hefty coats that split at the bottom so one could stretch their legs out and all. It was a bit distressing that there were so many child-sized armor pieces lying around the training ground’s freebie bin, but…dwarves existed. Surely there weren’t ACTUAL 4’9 kids running into the wilderness to kill monsters? Or maybe a monster-infested world just meant that everyone wore armor, just to stay safe, regardless of whether or not they were the fight-y types. Like how helmets were worn when biking, and seatbelts were worn when driving. Once the padded jacket was slipped into, the rest came easily. Chainmail went over the gambeson, leather gloves and armbraces served to provide greater protection for her hands, the cloth headguard filled in the gaps within the barbute, and then… Sara definitely got a shield. What was the point of walking into the frontlines of a fight without a shield? And with her small size, even small shields were sorta big. She opted for a wooden one, circular and reinforced with steel. The weapon was a bigger thing to consider though. While the dwarf girl was definitely stronger than she looked, her armor weirdly not weighing her down at all, it was still a pain in the ass to find the right sort of weapon for herself. Sara was confident that she COULD do stupid things like using a two-handed sword like a one-handed one, but at the same time, she had no idea [i]how[/i] to use a sword to begin with. Heck, she didn’t really know how to effectively use most of these swing-y weapons. So she went for the spear instead. No edge alignment, no particular technique. Just point and stab. Easy. Cool. Now all that remained was to test everything else out. [color=39b54a]“Heyo,”[/color] Sara called out, waving her spear in the air, [color=00a651]"Anyone wanna fight?"[/color]