[center] [h3][color=a0410d] [b]Luke Godfrey [/b] [/color] [/h3] [/center] [color=a0410d]“Come on let’s move already!”[/color] Luke barked in frustration as the shit show around them only grew worse. As the rest of the team prepared to move out he took a moment to catch his breath, his body feeling heavy as his exhaustion from fighting his way back to the Inn began to take its toll. He wanted to sit down, to have a drink and get this day over with already. The only thing stopping him unfortunately was the cloud of yellow death and the hail of gunfire from the Imps trying to kill them all. He gritted his teeth in annoyance before looking down to the gunned downed civilians he had missed and felt a ball of anger from in his stomach. The poor dumb bastards. He couldn’t shake their lifeless gazes staring up towards him, looking to him and silently asking why he left them behind. [color=a0410d]“Fuck,” [/color]he muttered in anger before hearing Jean give the order to move seeing everyone finally beginning to head out the back. He let everyone head out first before following after them, bolting out the back door only to come to a skidding halt. His eyes widened a bit from behind his mask as he looked to a crazed Franz going berserk on some poor Imp with his knife. He just kept sinking his knife into the still corpse, the look of crazed blood lust in his eyes, even as Isaac tried to bring him back to his senses. [color=a0410d]“God damn,” [/color]Luke muttered as he watched the scene unfold before another crack of a rifle filled the air. He gritted his teeth and glared towards his crazed squadmate, a ball of frustration and anger filling his chest. [color=a0410d]“God damn it! We don’t have time for this! Someone drag the crazy bastard and lets fucking move already!”[/color] he barked through his mask while he scanned their clouded surroundings, watching out for any more company. Every second he wasted trying to get through to the bastard Luke grew even more annoyed. He scoffed in an frustration when Ines tried to get through to him and finally could less of a damn. [color=a0410d]“You handle that crazy fucker than!”[/color] he shouted before finally bolting away with the rest of the team. As he ran from the chaos he looked back to the Inn, it’s silhouette growing more and more distant within the yellow mist of death. He forced his eyes away and gritted his teeth. Such a nice start to his birthday. [hr] Cool, refreshing, quiet. It’s all Luke could feel at the moment as he kept his head within a barrel of water to wake himself up and help his small hangover. He let his mind drift as his head remained in the cool water, the stress and exhaustion from the past few weeks dulled in this small moment. The running, the fighting, the many sleepless nights, all of it seemed so distant as he let the waters cool his nerves. If he could he’d stay like this for the rest of the war, but his ambition relied on the struggles and horrors of this war. To gain his goal he had to go through hell first. Finally his required air so he pulled his head from the barrel and took in a deep breath. He chuckled in between breaths and shook his head like a dog, the water flying from his wet hair. [color=a0410d]“God, if only I can start all my days off like this. A nice hangover, no bullets flying over head and some actual grub in my stomach. Yep, a peaceful day in the Federation!”[/color] he barked with laughter before drying his face off with the towel hanging around his neck. With a sigh of relief he snatched up his shirt, a bit thankful he took it off before dunking his head since it would be soaking by now. He draped it over his shoulder, to lazy to put it back on and turned to look around the camp. A small smirk came to his face to see a camp filled with soldiers that didn’t want to kill him, well not right now anyway. He gave a soft chuckle and began to return to his teams spot in the camp. As he walked through the camp he continued to look around, seeing soldiers get as much rest and relaxation they needed before they were all given the order to head out. He spotted a few games of poker, laughing and banter between comrades and few people simply getting some well earned rest. This day was definitely starting off nice, but he couldn’t help but want something to spice it up a bit. Well it seemed he’d get that bit of spice once he returned to hear a familiar voice calling out for Michael. As he returned to the camp he glanced over to see an upset Middleton directing his unpleasant attitude towards his comrade. Luke arched a brow and smirked as he passed by the whole scene, not able to hold back a small chuckle as he glanced towards Michael. It wasn’t like he enjoyed seeing him get chewed out, but it was still a bit entertaining to watch someone else get yelled at other than him. He just hoped the Captain didn’t get onto him for being shirtless and a wet mess. He wasn’t exactly presentable right now. He shrugged it off though and decided he’d deal with it if the issue comes up. A small frown came to his face though as he noticed people reading letters and looked for the source. He spotted the man handing them out and patted his shoulder to get his attention. [color=a0410d]“Hey there, anything for me?” [/color]the soldier looked to him and arched a brow. “You from this squad?” he asked looking him up and down. Luke rolled his eyes and held up his arms as if that was a silly question. [color=a0410d]“Well I wouldn’t be here if wasn’t now would I?”[/color] the soldier frowned a bit and huffed. “Well aren’t you a charming fellow,” he said, his sarcasm oozing from his tone. Luke sighed and rotated his hand to hurry things along. [color=a0410d]“Do you have any mail for me or not?” [/color]the soldier reluctantly asked his name and pulled out a letter before departing, giving Luke an unfriendly glance as he left. He only returned a cocky grin before looking to the letter to see that it was from home. A small smile came to his face before finding a place to sit and tear open his letter. He arched a brow as something fell out and quickly picked up a picture. A soft smile came to his face as he saw a pair of familiar smiling face in the photo and chuckled lightly. It’s felt like an eternity since he’s seen his sweet little sisters smiling face. A warm feeling of happiness filled his chest as he stared at the photo of the two of them eating together, noticing the meal his foster mother would always make for special celebrations. He wanted to be there so badly, to be in a warm home, surrounded by loved ones and enjoying life. A small sigh left him before he placed the photo in his pocket and opened the letter. [hider=Dear Luke.] [i]“Dear Luke, I hope you’re doing well, I’ve been trying my best to keep up with the war, but it only frightens me even more for you and Jack. It seems so quiet without the two of you here. Honestly I’m a bit bored. It feels strange really, I never thought I’d miss helping you two get out of trouble, or dragging you two goofs back from the tavern after drinking to much. It’s not only me that misses you though, even the whole town is giving their best wishes to you and Jack, hoping the war will be over soon and the both of you will be back safely. Dad’s been working a lot more lately, I think he’s still a bit upset that you both left, but I know he misses you two dearly. He’s just too stubborn to admit it. You know how he feels about this war in the first place. Mom’s helping me with the twins, who keep asking about you by the way. Every day they ask about you, if you’re coming home soon or if we can come see you. It always hurts to tell them we can’t visit, they look so upset they can’t spend time with their great big brother. I wish we could, I wish we were all together again, but I know you have to do this. Both you and Jack have to do this, not just for duty, but because you need it. I’m sorry about what I said to the both of you before you went off to enlist. I was so angry and hurt that you two wanted to leave all of a sudden, leaving me behind. I regret not seeing you off with a smile, instead I didn’t even look at you two as you left. I hate myself for being so selfish. We’ve never been separated, always doing everything together as siblings should. Now I just want to see you two again, to laugh and feel like a whole family again. I know I’ll just have to be patient though, I know you’ll both return home again. I’m not sure when this will get to you, but I want to wish you a happy birthday. Mom’s making her special meal again and wanted to send you a plate, but I told her that would be pointless. I’m sure you don’t want spoiled sausages for your birthday. Malena and Lily look a bit sad you’re not here, as we all are, but when the plates were set and our prayers for the two of you were said I managed to capture something I think you’ll be happy to see. They miss you Luke and I know you miss them. When you finally come home I just know they’ll jump with joy. We love you two more than anything and patiently await your safe return home. Sincerely, Sarah. P.s. Last I heard from Jack he was safe and wanted to wish you a happy birthday. “ [/i] [/hider] Luke finished reading the letter and let a soft smile stay on his face. It was the softest smile he’s had in months and he couldn’t help but feel happiness as he read every word. A small chuckle escaped as he folded up the letter and put it in his pocket before digging out a pack of cigarettes along with a few matches he managed to swipe off a few drinking buddies of his last night. As he lit the match he wondered if they managed to get away from their superiors when they came to break up their small party. Luke filled his lungs with the sweet chemicals and used the towel still hanging around his neck to dry off a few clumps of wet hair. He threw his shirt aside onto the rest of his gear and snatched up his rifle. With a pleasant hum, a newly lit cigarettes between his smiling lips and a happy feeling in his chest he began to clean his rifle, the pleasure in maintaining his weapons quality only making his mood greater for the day.