Asran smiled a little, and leaned in to whisper. “It’s okay to be nervous Ayrie. Hell I'm nervous for you,” he said. Then pat her on the back gently before leading her down the hallway where a iron cast barred door blocked the path. A guard waited there, and Asran showed Ayrie how to swipe her card to open the gate. When they were through Asran lead her to a quiet office that was empty save for a desk. The office had a view of the outside bay. Along with a holy symbol resembling what Ayrie had on the wall. Though it had zero power to it which Asran made sure of. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to visit her at work. “Decorate this place however you’d like. The symbol was a gift from me. So don’t worry it’s got no real power to it. It’s mostly just for decoration.”