[Hider=Xavius Woodson] [Center=Dead Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190427/dedc133013c37f211ddff0f9098476fb.png[/img] [img] https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/7905404d-09f6-47f2-a7b3-758d16c1c24b.jpg [/img] "Yes, I own a flower shop, what's it matter to you?" [hr][hr] [Color=DEB783]|Nicknames|[/color] "Xavi" [Color=DEB783]|Age|[/color] 21 [Color=DEB783]|DOB|[/color] ???; Sagittarius [Color=DEB783]|Gender|[/color] Male [Color=DEB783]|Sexual Orientation|[/color] Bisexual [Color=DEB783]|Relationship Status|[/color] Single [Color=DEB783]|Racial Orientation|[/color] African American/Causation [Color=DEB783]|Family|[/color] Mother&Mother: [hr][hr] [Color=DEB783]|Appearance|[/color] Standing at 6'1, Xavius is rather thin and lanky, only showing that off more with his tighter clothing, though he would deny being stick thin till the day he died. He has a smooth, tawny complexion only spotted with a few beauty marks here and there, as he takes quite good care of his skin, and he allows [i]no[/i] facial hair to ever grow. Nasty. His hair is shorter in length, the top of his head being covered in large curls, though kept intentionally messy for aesthetic purposes [s]or maybe to attract someone, I dunno[/s]. He has prominent cheek bones and dark green eyes surrounded by long eyelashes to compliment that feature, along with thick, dark eyebrows. For clothing, Xavius tends to appear rather eccentric with his choice of clothing, often expanding the boundaries of "stylish" and "comfortable", but most of the time, he sticks with darker, more neutral tones. He enjoys tighter fitting clothes, such as turtle necks and skinny jeans, honestly looking like an art critic for a large portion of time. Scarves and vests are also a part of his wardrobe, in which those are the only items of his that are brightly colored. [hr][hr] [Color=DEB783]|Personality|[/color] 馃Analytical 馃Whiny 馃Stubborn 馃Passive 馃Outspoken _________ Being a rather extroverted person, Xavius loves to hang around crowds, although he's kind of picky as to whom he talks to, giving the appearance of being a bit stuck up. He doesn't really open up to people that easily, but once his emotions start to bottle up, he tends to "explode" to anyone he starts talking to, going on rants about anything and everything that's not going right. He does his best to keep his calm and collected demeanor, but sometimes things just get rough, and out comes his emotions. He's rather intelligent, if not a bit critical, though sometimes he can seem a bit whiny when things aren't going right, but he's very goal-driven though preferring to take things a bit slower and evenly paced. He's great at out-of-the-box thinking, being a rather creative fellow, and he's also very aesthetic driven as well, always looking for pleasing decorations or clothing, often rearranging his room or buying things that are currently in fashion. He's talkative and kind of nerdy, especially about topics that he's interested in, he tends to start rambling, but other than that, he likes to be "cool", often only pausing to say a few words to people before moving on. He wants to be respected, so he tries not to do anything to embarrass himself, but the more he tries, the more awkward he gets. [Color=DEB783]|Likes|[/color] 路 Fasion 路 Art 路 Gardening 路 Being cool 路 Storms [Color=DEB783]|Dislikes|[/color] 路 Embarrassing memories 路 Awkward silences 路 Animal hair on his clothes 路 Unpredictability [Color=DEB783]|Occupation|[/color] Runs a small floral shop [hr][hr] [/center] [/hider]