[@AtomicNut] [@Gentlemanvaultboy] [@KillamriX88] "[color=8dc73f]Damnable fool, I told him to retreat and he has now made the enemy stronger and I have to utilize all of my strength here and now. That new girl, the drainer, she's the greatest threat. I must divide and cripple.[/color]" He thinks as he is caught by the blades, the stinging, burning feeling of blades striking his flesh picking up as Luigi brought his blade down, cutting into the back of the Cultist's head. If he had done nothing, Luigi and Gilliman would of cleaved the top portion of the man's head from his body, a definite death blow. Blood Reserve: -2 Pints, from 2 gallons. Effect: Transformation into high-mid tier demon form. Form Powers Lost: Tentacles, and super strength. Powers Gained: Enhanced durability, flight, hyper sharp claws, and a hyper sonic screech. Luigi, his horse, and Gilliman's blade were suddenly shunted back by an explosion, the small mass of consuming tentacles entwined with his evaporated by the hell flame. The hulking beast of a man who had been there was now replaced by a much smaller figure, with [hider=Bird like demonic features.] [img]https://www.bing.com/th?id=OIP.hvZHP1hw4X6UkKCi6plHuwHaLw&pid=Api&w=736&h=1168&rs=1&p=0[/img] [/hider] The beast spreads its wings, turning its back on Gilliman as it pounces from the smoke of the explosion towards Luigi, who's just barely managed to pick himself up. It all happens within a moment, a split second of a blur of purple, and then a splash of red. The demon man's new claws tore into Luigi's chest, leaving a long X shaped wound that blood and oil seeped from. It was deep, at the center a speck of sunlight shining through Luigi's chest. For anyone else, a killing blow, and it seemed the same for the mechanical meanace as their body quickly creaked, and slammed onto its back. "[color=8dc73f]Now then, Legion, I will leave you to your fate. I gave you the chance to run, and you've squandered it, and I refuse to die for your incompetence. I'll let our master know of your failings.[/color]" He begins, before no doubt Gilliman and Mer could see Luigi stand up despite what would've seemed to be a lethal blow. "Redundant systems activated. Death prevention activated, estimated time until total system failure, 40 seconds after engagement's end." A female voice spoke into Luigi's mind as he could feel his body was heavily damaged. He didn't have long, he had to keep fighting and repairing himself as he fought. First thing was first, however, and he gave as good as he got. A splash of crimson exploded from the Cultist's back, and then stumbled forwards before steadying themselves. "[color=8dc73f]Well then, you're still alive?[/color]" The Bird-Thing asks, surprised. With a single flexing of its wings it threw itself into the air, avoiding another strike from Luigi. "[color=8dc73f]I must admit, I got unlucky today. Next time, things will fall better into my favor![/color]" They hiss, before attempting to fly away. Luigi ignored them, and turned his focus on the enemy still within his reach. "[color=ed1c24]Gilliman, you're in a near critical state. Get out of here, before that replicator uses more of that exploding technique. I'm already learning about those masks, and I'm not liking what I'm seeing.[/color]" He says, as his lumbering mechanical form started his charge. He didn't know who this mystery fighter who had come to their aid was, but he couldn't care less at the moment. He needed to fight to live at the moment, even as he felt his inbuilt tools start repairing damaged systems he knew it would take a good while to truly repair it all. He just needed to get himself stabilized rather than perfectly repaired, as much as that angered him.