It wasn't long after they arrived that Viraa dropped straight down from the sky above the base. She assumed that any of the Mobile Suits that attempted to pursue her would be taken care of by the other Meisters. She, after all, was the only Mobile Suit specifically designed for this type of mission. At least, in some ways. It was true, any one of them could likely take on the whole base. It might be a challenge, but they could do it. Her Bazooka was meant for larger targets than simple hangars, but it would still show just what she could do. As she landed, she spoke simply as usual, however this time she added on a more, prophetical statement. [color=6ecff6]"GN-005 engaging the enemy. All who revel in war shall burn in the avenging light of Celestial Being."[/color] With that, she raised her Bazooka and locked it in place on Virtue's chest. Within second the weapon charged, and the large beam fired out, punching through one hangar, the next, and then another. Three Hangars in total, as they were all in a row, were decimated in an instant, with all Mobile Suits inside falling prey to the following explosions of anything from fuel to weapons being detonated from the sheer heat of the weapon they were being hit with. Three down, five to go. They weren't difficult targets, but she had to display the power of Virtue... without necessarily ACTUALLY displaying its power. Blasting their base to pieces was a good start at least.