[center][color=0072bc]Blazermate[/color] Level 4 - (12/40) EXP Location: Peach's Castle Word Count: 824 [/center] Mostly interacting with [@Simple Unicycle][@ProPro] Whoever this guy was, apparently his heart wasn't into hurting the king koopa. Bowser only got knocked down, the man quickly apologizing for his actions, taking Bowser as one of those galeem people. [color=0072bc]"Yeah, Galeem has messed up a lot of stuff. But ya know, what Bowser said, Galeem wont last long."[/color] Blazermate said, moving her way to make herself known and in the open, having stayed behind since she had no use for food. [color=0072bc]"Nice to meet ya Gene, I'm Blazermate~."[/color] Blazermate continued, observing Bowser shrug off what was basically a cheap shot like a champ. Wanting to be near the rest of the group and maybe socialize a bit, Blazermate gestured to Gene and said. [color=0072bc]"Do ya want some fod partner? I'm a robot, so you can have my serving, if they made me one."[/color] She followed Bowser, hoping that Gene was following the pair. The more allies, the better, especially if things got way stronger than megadragonbowser. When Blazermate got into the dining hall with the rest of her friends, she noticed right away that Bowser was trying to flirt with the princess from before. Blazermate giggled at the situation, especially after Bowser broken the counter near the kitchen trying to look cool. Finding a place to sit down, Blazermate decided while everyone else was helping with the food or getting their food that she'd take a look at all the stuff the Engineer soul she had absorbed had gifted her in detail. She pulled out the toolbox that made sentry guns, and after investigating it more throughly, noticed a small dial on the side with four settings. The first was the sentry gun, which she had been using as a way to support and deal damage from a range, but there were 3 other settings labled 'Dispenser, Tele Ent, and Tele Exit'. Curious as to what these were, Blazermate moved off to the side, set the toolbox to the dispenser setting, and deployed it. Unlike the previous setting where it was building a gun, this time it was very slowly building some kind of box thing. And like the sentry gun, Blazermate found hitting this building with her right hand made it build faster and after 10 seconds of metal hitting metal ringing through the room alongside hydrolic motor building sounds, the dispenser came to life. While it was a very square looking building, it also had a canister of air or gas on its right side, a bandolir of bullets on its left, and a bit of metal coming out of a cup on the bottom. Just being around this thing felt great, as if it was passively healing anyone nearby. KNowing she could upgrade her sentry, Blazermate decided to try to upgrade the dispenser. But something in her mind told her to 'optimize' setting up her buildings. While she upgraded the dispenser, the sound of metal hitting metal ringing through the hall for another 15 seconds, she had also placed down both the teleporter entrance and exit nearby, curious as to what they did. As the teleporters constructed themselves, the dispenser changed shape vaguely as it upgraded. At level 2, knobs popped out of the front and back of the building with various settings related to what she figured was crafting. And at level 3, a heart monitor popped out of the top of it, and the healing it gave out felt much stronger, almost as strong as Blazermate's healing beam itself. [color=0072bc]"Interesting...."[/color] Blazermate said to herself. She then went on to test the newly built teleporters, noting that when they were online they emitted a glowing light as its bottom spun at insane speeds. As she stood on the entrance teleporter a flash of light signaled her teleport moving her to the exit teleporter, all of 4 feet. Having teleported a passanger, both teleporters slowly whirred back up to speed, the dim glow acting as a floor for Blazermate ot stand on. After a bit more experimenting with her new buildings, she jumped with glee at how she could now teleport people, and it seemed like it'd be extra useful, although she questioned why the teleporters couldn't go both ways. Having not been a gear head until very recently, Blazermate decided to consult someone who said they worked with all kinds of machines, Ratchet. It took her a bit to find the taller Ratchet helping out in the kitchen. Giving a small bow to Cooking Mama, Blazermate said. [color=0072bc]"Excuse me miss. I need Ratchet's help with something."[/color] Turning to Ratchet, she said, pointing at the stuff she made in the corner. [color=0072bc]"Hey, apparently I can make some neat devices now, including a teleporter. Think you can help me maybe work something out with it? I can see it bein' mighty useful, but its a one way trip. Figured you might know a way to make it a two way deal instead."[/color]