[center][hr][h3]Archer [sup][sup][i]Tristan -- The Knight of Lamentation[/i][/sup][/sup][/h3][b]Current Location:[/b] Latin District -- Paris Pantheon[hr][/center][i]"Ahh, it was about time,"[/i] Tristan thought as he heard the approach of Ywain's Master and then, his greeting to the other knight's one. The fact that Noon referred to her as a woman caught the Archer's attention for a moment but was quickly dismissed to the back of his mind. [i]"If need be..."[/i] was the only thought he would spare towards this matter. He still wasn't facing their way, instead, he had his profile turned towards the group's meeting spot as the wind billowed his cloak and hair while Tristan "gazed" at the west, in the direction in which the sun mad its dive under the horizon not too long ago. Or perhaps, if one paid proper attention... was it northwest that he faced? Like a literal portrait of melancholy and beauty that any painter would give their life for the chance to put into their canvas. A knight that longed for a distant place, not only in space but in time itself. The days that'll come no more. Did he really have the right to seek atonement for his deeds? There was only one way of knowing, were the last thoughts in Tristan's mind as he brought his hand to Failnaught. "Now, what shall you do, my friend? Your actions will decide your Master's as well as your own fate in this night..." [hr][center][b]Going towards:[/b] Nowhere[/center][hr][@ManyThings][@Danchou][@King Cosmos]