[center][h1][color=green]Minerva Malfoy[/color][/h1] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/8d3ba1a344c8b772611b61ce0fa3419d44cbc64f/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f423044454e586f626d64777848773d3d2d3533323935333032352e313531313863333038663962363833643633363737323836383930312e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Minerva continued to give her affection towards her twin, in the hope of calming him down. Sure, it may not be the most moral way of doing it, but it was the only way she knew how. Nothing could exactly calm down Draco, with the exception of her very own presence. Whether if it was herself standing next to him, or somewhere in the same area, it was she that could give off the calming effect. From experience, her affection was one of the very few options that she could think off, in order to keep him on his good side. She returned the gesture, as soon as she felt his hand upon her own. She felt the instinct to keep going with her actions, but then decided against it, once she felt the forbidden contact dissipate. His hand went through her long white-blond hair albeit possessively, and the female Malfoy didn't resist, deny, or object. She softly smiled at his words, and gently brushed her thumb against the side of his lower jaw. [color=green]"It's okay, Draccy"[/color], she called him by the nickname she personally called him. [color=green]"I'll be with you on this, all the way"[/color], as much as she didn't want to go through with what was ahead of them, but it had to be done, if they want to save their family...and each other. Minerva looked out of their carriage to see the woods, passing by. She remembered that their own family estate was also surrounded by trees, but then, their father wanted to have it refurbished, so it would look more open (despite the fact that they were a rather reclusive family). The first few minutes were thick wood, and the next, came the outline of a giant castle, just beyond the hill. The girl's eyes showed wonder and curiosity within them. [color=green]"Is that it, there?"[/color], the structure seemed to morph nicely with the night sky, with its lights twinkling beautifully in the dark.