[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PqF0xS8.png[/img][/center][hr]If anyone bothered to check, they would notice that Abigail wasn't even paying attention to the commotion happening around her. In fact, the orange-haired girl was... napping? At least it looked like that as her head was rested against the window of the bus, with eyes closed, and her chest heaving softly. She probably had been like this for a little while, considering her lack of replies to anyone so far. Thus, it was no surprise when she didn't even budge after their teacher's request. In fact, she probably haven't heard it all, considering that Abigail never took her phones off, ever since the training was finished. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/v9W8QGT.png[/img][/center][hr]Nevertheless, the hubbub would end up dying sooner rather than later, as it wouldn't take long for Enterprise to come in, along with their driver. The ride to the support company wouldn't be a long either. Or it shouldn't have been, if not for a couple of unforeseen traffic jams, that extended the half hour trip to almost double that time. All the while as they did so, Enterprise entertained everyone with some random trivia and pro hero stories. Some of them particularly close to being tall stories, but anyone that knew Enterprise for a time would be aware that overexcitement was only natural of her. Either way, as soon as the bus was parked, the blonde heroine distributed a visitor's pass for each of the students. Before any of them could disembark, however, she said, [color=cornflowerblue]"Very well then, everyone. Listen to me for a little bit more. We are going to divide ourselves into two separate groups." Abigail, Blair, Danielle, Eira, and Freya. You are going to be under Mr. Hayes' charge. I hope you ladies don't give him too much trouble, alright?"[/color] Enterprise winked as she said this last part. [color=cornflowerblue]"Gabriella, Jane, Peter, Phoebe, Renard, and Sofia. You are coming with me."[/color] [color=cornflowerblue]"Be sure you have everything you need with you. As soon as you are ready, we'll get going,"[/color] Enterprise finally added as she stepped aside to let the students disembark and get ready for their trip. [hr]