The Emperor, at first, didn’t seem to believe Hiro’s statement, until he was eating the soup ever so casually. Eventually, he gave a nod and turned his attention to Akito instead. For a few moments, the Emperor gave an unreadable gaze as the soon to be prince apologized. It wasn’t a noticeable moment, at least to the Empress or Hironori, but it was still a quiet heartbeat before the Emperor gave Akito a wide grin. “Ah, my boy I don’t expect you to control the weather! You kept Hironori safe and happy and that’s what’s important.” He let out a hearty chuckle. “As a soldier you and I have to be strong against sickness, I’d expect nothing less from a champion such as yourself!” His laughter died down a bit, but he kept his smile. “It’s these two,” His hand gestured to Hironori and his wife, “we have to keep an eye out for. They’re not as sturdy as us, have to keep them safe.” Both Hiro and the Empress looked up at the same time, the latter raising a brow. “Is that so dear?” She smirked. “Surely, because of my pregnancy you don’t think of me as weak?” She was teasing him, but the surprised look on his face made her give a smug grin. “No love of course not! You’re a very strong woman. It’s just that you’re due any day dow and we can never be too careful about yours and the baby’s safety.” He pouted when she began to laugh, realizing she was teasing him but relaxed when she gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. The Empress turned her attention back to the boys and smiled. “Did you find anything interesting out there in the wild world Hiro’s father boasts on about?” The young prince had been silently eating, not paying much mind to the antics. When his stepmother chided her husband his gaze went back to his food. Though when he heard his name he looked up, with the spoon in his mouth. “Hm? Oh, lof o’ ni’e sc’ery-” He paused and removed the spoon when his mother scrunched up her nose. “A lot of nice scenery and a peaceful conversation. With the preparations taking place, it was helpful to have it be a little quieter. Just for a moment. It’s been a long time since I’ve gotten caught in the rain but it wasn’t so bad. Nature’s really pretty.” He sounded a bit dreamy for a moment, before turning his attention back to his food. “I’m glad we got to go.”