[center] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/a3b148938837c8380c1eb6e43f0d31fc/tumblr_pcvta2YxeN1w6599so1_1280.png[/img] The Docks [/center] [color=lavender]"Oh my?"[/color] Mistress Vertti’s raised an eyebrow, and the other soon followed.[color=lavender]"Is it pulling very hard?"[/color] She reached for the fishing rod. [color=lavender]"Do you need help?"[/color] But the next tug was strong enough to pull Grisaia to his feet .Mistress Vertti nearly fell forward, but was able to get her hands on the bow before tumbling over the edge. [color=lavender]"It’s a big one!"[/color] She reached for a fishing spear on the side of the boat. It wasn’t big or heavy, but it was more than enough for most fish. [color=lavender]"Don’t let it get away, Grisaia! That’s dinner!"[/color] She looked over the edge, waiting for the fish to show itself. [hr] [center] Golden quarter [/center] [color=baddab]”Nothing to eat, and none of these clothes look like they’ll fit me. But wait, what’s this? Is this a vorpal blade? I’d trade a foxy grandma hat for that…”[/color]