Shadow stood in the hall waiting for any of them to show back up. As he stood there he looked at the rooms and was forced to close his eyes and look away. He lets out a drawn out sigh and then opens his eyes again. " I thought that I would be able to come home and face this. but the pain isn't ever going to go away now is it." He sighes again and then looks over at the room that he has decided he would take for himself. " Losing you was the hardest part. But if these new members can at least learn the one lesson we all over looked. Then they will be quite a lot better off than we were." By the time that any of them had arrived he had already schooled his expression not even hinting at what he was thinking or feeling. He looks at the Vampire infront of him and shakes his head. " No i have a lot of work to do on this base. I will just add it to the things i'm repairing. Don't worry about any damage you might do. I can fix it all with in a week. You can pick any room other than the two at the very end of the wing. Those are both off limits to everyone but me. One because its my room. and the other. simply because i would rather not have anyone living where father used to live. Now if you want to question me. Go ahead. You're here to learn. Not to be treated as children. So either you're open minded enough to try and understand things. or you can leave. I dont have time to deal with those that are so stuck up they think they know everything. I know damn well i dont know half of the shit i need to know."