[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=yellow]Lance Banner[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/23900000/Logan-Lerman-logan-lerman-23940521-500-234.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Lance did not like the lectures from the others at all, and honestly part of him was just wondering when they'd shut up about it. He never cared much for being around the Avengers at all, and only really tolerated them. They could be just a tad bit on the annoying side in his opinion, but now was not the time to really be arguing, that much he did know. [color=yellow]"Fine, whatever you say,"[/color] he said in response, before he grabbed Guin and pulled her away from the others who were there. Once he made sure they were essentially out of earshot and away from them, he turned and looked at her. [color=yellow]"So, I'm getting a bit annoyed at being told what to do, so... How about we see about helping out in some way. I mean, we're already going to get a major lecture from our parents, might as well go all in since we're here right?"[/color] he said, giving her a bit of a grin. Cap just watched as Lance pulled Guin away from them and turned to look at Black Widow and Hawkeye, [color=4C52FF]"What are the odds they'll actually listen to us?"[/color]