[hr][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/0rBjG8H/image.png[/img] [hr][h2]CODE-NAME: [color=gold]KHRYSEOS[/color][/h2][h3]Foreign District > Residential District Not-So-Random Encounter Outside A Certain Workshop[/h3][hr] [@Crusader Lord][@1Charak2][@Sunglass] [/center] [color=gold][i]They're finally making their move. Stay by my side but remain hidden, Assassin. I'll have one of my drones scout the area.[/i][/color] The alchemist of Atlas climbed out of a manhole in a rather empty alley, scaling one of the buildings with his superior agility. Making his way to the patrician magus with haste, Isidore pressed a button on the [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonball/images/f/f4/Rilevatore.png/revision/latest?cb=20140823090323&path-prefix=it]device attached to the side of his head,[/url] causing a strange flying device hovering above Lucienne's home to fly outward, high in the sky. Through one of the multiple images displayed on the screen that was over Isidore's left eye, he would have what is essentially a bird's eye view of the entire arrondissement that the young lady was based in. Hopping from building to building as a means of traveling faster, Isidore mused to himself the idea of mapping out the entire Paris underground, considering if using such a method to travel would be faster than what he is currently employing. It was only after he noticed the slight stinging pain on his Command Spells that the cyborg made his way down to the streets, slowing his pace down to a nice stroll... ... Until he was face-to-face with Lucienne, stopping a few yards away. It was close enough to establish dialogue, but far enough so that either party wouldn't be able to make any hasty moves to attack without the other being able to react. "[color=gold]Good evening, mademoiselle,[/color]" Isidore began, raising both his hands up as a sign of goodwill, "[color=gold]You may not know who I am, but I have a vague idea of who you might be, Master of Caster.[/color] "[color=gold]I've revealed myself to you because I believe we might be able to help each other. However, I must ask that we are able to discuss this in a more discreet location... somewhere where the [i]new friends[/i] you've made would not be able to follow us to, perhaps?[/color]"