[center][hr][hr] [url=https://youtu.be/VBlaWzMiZYwhttps://fontmeme.com/celtic-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.net/permalink/190418/f8effdc60881f3e0da857f2be3b34577.png[/img][/url] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/d4bd/f/2015/099/a/2/laxus_xreader_fashion_show__by_minnibellsnow-d8p0l19.png[/img] [hr][hr] [/center] When Freya asked if they could have gone easier for the training, and the lecture, He shrugged, about to answer that he didn’t mind the training just the fact that Hayes was too hard on them for just throwing them into to it. But before he could answer Renard jerked his head back as suddenly Mr. Hayes started talking to him. No matter how many times he’s done that before, it’s something Renard though he would never get used to. He looked up at the teacher in the eyes as he again started with a tiny lecture. Narrowing his eyes, not afraid for the teacher to see it. He shook his head after the teacher was done rolling his eyes. Literally not what he said, But like the teacher to not really pay attention where his lectures really needed to be pointed towards. Renard was not known to have an irritated look, mostly only when dealing with Mr. Hayes. To be honest, his mood wasn’t all from Hayes, but the constant disappointed and annoyed look from eira was really grating at him. Didn’t matter what he did she was always annoyed with him, or yelling at others. If anyone needed a lecture it was her, why the fuck was she even here if she was going to be constantly snapping at her teammates. He of course didn't say anything. He didn’t blow up in front of anyone. He simply took a deep breath as the principle came onto the bus. All he knew of her was she was a top hero, who was constantly eating due to her quirk. She decided to tell the students stories of other heros and her own exploits with them. Everyone was fawning over her it seemed. He could even tell Eira was glued to her every word. He on the other hand closed his eyes and continued to train on his quirk, condensing, and shifting the energy to different parts of his body. It was one of the ways his father and mother taught him to control it so he didn’t shock anything he touched. So he could go days without wearing his gloves. This was something he always did during long boring lectures, to help keep him awake and focused. Despite what others thought, he was actually a fairly good student. Despite his constant joking around. [hr] Getting off the bus, he stretched his arms and twisted his back till a loud pop came from his lower back. He let out a satisfied sigh as the tension released in his lower back and he lowered his arms looking around the facility. It wasn’t anything to be impressed about honestly. But he was excited to see what was inside. He looked back as the other students finished filing off the bus. He was slightly annoyed that he wasn't with Freya, whom he spoke to more on the bus., and quite enjoyed it. He found it odd they were being split into groups but he didn’t think too much on it.He glanced around to see some wren sitting not too far… He narrowed his eyes as if the bird was somehow suspicious. But then he suddenly said softly [color=BCC127]”Man I could go for some chicken right now...[/color] as his stomach growled. His thoughts were interrupted as he heard a loud crash. At least he thought he did. It seemed close. Yet at the same time far away as if muffled. Being in an industrial part of town, things tended to bang around. He looked around and didn’t see anything right away. He looked towards Freya and asked. [color=BCC127]Did you hear that?”[/color]