[b]Damien Kane[/b] It wasn't long after the police had finished rescuing the four unconscious cops that Damien heard another fight break out nearby. He braced himself, and took off at a sprint towards a nearby rooftop, flying across the gap between the two buildings, his hands grasped the edge, and he pulled himself up. Damien shuffled quickly across the rooftop, hoping to catch a glimpse of who was doing the fighting before it was all over. He arrived just in time to watch from above. He observed the scene quickly, noting the already unconscious thugs, a pizza delivery girl, what looked to be a hero, though in poor shape, and another hero currently in combat with more thugs. The hero was taking out the thugs one by one, using various fighting moves and techniques. Though that was the least intriguing thing about the whole situation, because despite the fighting and obvious yelling from the thugs, Damien could not hear a thing. Everything was completely silent. [i]Interesting. It appears that this hero is able to control sou-[/i]. Just before he finished his thought, Damien was hit with a wave of sound, causing him to become slightly unbalanced, before returning to normal. Then it returned, the sounds, Damien could hear the moaning and groaning of the thugs even from such a distance. [i]He must've really given those poor saps what was coming to them[/i]. Damien debated whether he should approach the other hero that had watched the scene, and finally decided that he would. He climbed down the building, and reluctantly approached the hero, unsure of what he would say. He stood by for a moment, and examined the hero. He was slightly overweight, but that could be easily fixed with a little exercise. His suit looked a bit old, as the colors were faded slightly, but nothing that a little money couldn't take care of. Damien then turned his attention to the pizza delivery girl. She looked unphased by the events that had just transpired, which surprised Damien somewhat, but he quickly dismissed it. Walking forward, he put his hand out, expecting a handshake from the hero. "The name's D- uh, Phoenix." He said, "Do you know who that was?"