"They're also quick and agile," Shiranui added after landing and dismounting Kaki, "Kaki, Flamethrower that way!" He pointed and Kaki let loose with a Flamethrower and scored a direct hit on another of the origami-like Ultra Beasts with her leading shot. Shiranui threw a Beast Ball at the downed Ultra Beast and after a while the ball pinged shut. He opened his Pokédex to see what he just captured. "[i]Kartana, the Drawn Sword Pokémon (alias: UB-04 Blade). This Ultra Beast came from the Ultra Wormhole. It seems not to attack enemies on its own, but its sharp body is a dangerous weapon in itself. It was observed cutting down a gigantic steel tower with one stroke of its blade.[/i]" Shiranui named his new catch Kirigami.