[@duskshine749] I thought about PMing you but chickened out! :DDD [i]forgive me senpai /weeps[/i] [center][img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire1/bb219837c6254aa3a3f425d2bef221261368558004_full.png[/img][/center] Happy to have you aboard. I'll whack a cheeky rooster together and pop your paladin on. [@Ellri] Ah I forgot one! I've got a physical copy of Moderkainen's Tome of Foes so I can add that to the list if there's something your hankering for. My partner has a copy of Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide but I'm not au fait with it. I can see if I can pry it off him and have a peak through but no promises. THERE ARE TORTLES? and it's an official supplement? I was not aware of tortle people. I found [url=https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Tortle_(5e_Race_Variant)] this[/url] on the wiki, but I don't have any of the other information about them. Is it accurate? If you want to play a Tortle and can provide everyone with the necessary resources about it I am 100% on board. Also if you can convince everyone to play a party of tortles I wouldn't be against it either. [sup][sup][color=darkgray][s]Also if people wanted to play a version of sword coast where everyone's a Tortle I can make that happen[/s][/color][/sup][/sup] [quote=@Ellri] 2. How will it be played? [/quote] [indent]Play by posts with maps. During battle post order will be dictated by highest initiative first. The rest of the time we'll follow a standard post order unless otherwise stated.[/indent] [quote=@Ellri] 3. Is it necessary for players to be online at certain times, or will it be through good ol' posts? [/quote] [indent]Through posts, although if we can co-ordinate a time we set aside to play I think it would add alot to the experience. I thought it might be a big ask though as I think we've got a wide array of time zones, but it isn't impossible if people present are willing to commit to a time slot. The roleplay is set at mid casual level so pacing wise I think it would be a good fit.[/indent] [quote=@Ellri]4. Character sheets. Will they use any specific template?[/quote] [indent]I am happy for people to use whatever template they feel comfortable with so long as it includes all the information, as I collect them together anyway. Myth-weavers is a favourite and [@Cao the Exiled] recently linked [url=https://www.tavern-keeper.com]Tavern-Keeper[/url] which has some nice tools. I also have a roll20 account if you prefer to make your sheets there. I can make a BBCode form for anyone uncomfortable with going off site with characters although I'll only provide one on request as the need arises.[/indent] [quote=@Ellri]5. How will rolls be handled?[/quote] [indent]The on-site roll function, each roll being properly labelled and then linked in posts. I usually like each player to have a character PM as well, in which any specific information your character [i]personally[/i] would know or discovers gets sent to. Roll a natural 20 on a perception check and suddenly you see the secret door nobody else has noticed? That'll get sent through PM. Then you can convey that information naturally IC. I trust people not to meta-game but sometimes things slip through in little ways. Also, it's fun :D[/indent] [quote=@Ellri]6. How did you die to grass?[/quote] [indent]My first forray into D&D with a proper group aged 12 with Advanced. We suited up, left town to go pillage a dungeon, and rolled our first random encounter - grab grass. We laughed. DM laughed. We TPK'd. It had a grapple and suffocation attack. Our Magic-User only had two hitpoints and that was with his con modifier. Pretty sure that grass was only worth 10 xp...[/indent] [quote=Ellri]7. can we join in?[/quote] [indent]Yep! I think right now we have: [indent]1. Cao the Exiled 2. Lauder - thinking about Lizardfolk Hexblade Warlock 3. Vertigo 4. Duskshine749 - Triton Paladin, Oath of the Ancients 5. DTHar - thinking about Fighter/Monk 6. Ellri - [/indent][/indent] Which is plenty to get this show on the road. [@Cao the Exiled] They all sound good to me. So long as they're level 5 following the specifications I'm happy :D I'll set up the OOC shortly and then people can start linking things when they've got them ready.