"My liege." "Yes, Prime Minister?" "We must establish ourselves now, before the other factions-" "I know, but that is no longer entirely under my control." "My liege, you are still king of the nation, and the parliament would like you to announce the regaining of order in the kingdom to establish trust in the king. They will make a separate announcement confirming their agreement of this move to satisfy those desperate for a balance of power." "Very well, I shall use the speech Prepared for this circumstance," The king stood up with the help of an ornate staff of wood, gold, and jewels. "Rule Gloutannia." "Rule Gloutannia." [hr] "Must we guard this old shell?" "Everything has to be 'perfect' for the king of 'Gloutannia'." "I hear you. I'm all for it of course, but I have to question the memorial for... for the fail state that we're trying to forget." "But the 'great' king has to make his big speech right here." "Yeah, yeah, Mr. Sarcasm. But how's he supposed to unite everyone when he's celebrating the building that no one wanted, eh? Isn't the new government supposed to be the one to tear it down once and for all." A motor could be heard buzzing towards the eerie silence of the memorial site. "Hey, you hear that?" "Yeah, Mr. Sarcasm, it's the sound of trouble or whatever, I get it." "No, I'm serious, look! A lone fighter raced across the sky, dropping pamphlets at intervals. Once it had passed, the guards looked for a few to pick up. "The Khanate... Reborn... a lot of this is scratched out." "Flip it over." "All ye oppressed, Anglonians and Eireinians, laborers of the factory and the fields, heed our call..." He opened the pamphlet only to see more scribbled out propaganda replaced by opposing text. "Damn, it's getting more and more out of hand." "You could say that again." As if on cue, the Santeyla fighter, barely recognizable as a plane in the distnce, erupted in a burst of flame. It spiraled downwards, aiming towards its Lakhher attackers. The guards did not know for sure yet, but they had just witnessed the first blows of the Civil War. [hr] A message appeared on a scout's talisman soon after his mission-[i]Kowalski, analysis[/i] [i]Lakhher, Santeyla are defectors. Gaining members via royal military and police. Some civs involved. Some PAC and fighter squadrons currently engaged. No royal forces currently engaged.[/i] [i]We will change that. Return to base. [/i] [i]Affirmative. Glory to Gloutannia.[/i] The scout rode off toward his destiny. [hr] Securing their strongholds near the main river and mountains, slowly releasing their armies to skirmish in the towns and the fields, the nationalists, syndicalists, and new royalists would spread their pleas for foreign help in securing their respective vixtories across the globe. "Help us bring stability to our people," They said, as the blood was only just starting to be spilled.