So I went and did some traveling, that's why I haven't been at all active. Just gotta ask if anyone is still interested in this? Because it's been kinda quiet around here and I'm starting to lose my enthusiasm for this as a forum roleplay. A while ago I started getting into D&D after having forum roleplayed for years. I was inspired to re-write and adapt this campaign as a 5e campaign, and if I'm being honest I'm more excited about playing out the story on tabletop. So the story won't go untold, which is what I promised myself, but maybe it won't be told in this way, on this website. That is unless there's still a desire to continue? Otherwise it may be time to let things here rest. We hardly got our teeth into the story, and there were so many ways I wanted to surprise people, but again this is part of why I'm eager to see how this story plays on the tabletop. Things there flow quicker, and reactions are more volatile with dice. It's been a nice two years, and I want to thank everyone for their interest, but this might be where we stop it. I'll still hang around in case anyone feels differently, and would still be willing to continue, but assuming that may not be the case, I'm prepared to say farewell. [url][/url]