Not forgetting what is her mission in the first place, Alexis grabbed a small laser pistol from the armory. It wouldn't help a lot in a fight but would be enough to keep the target pinned down until she would get close enough for the next article of her weaponery. A sword which by pressing a button near it's handle would light up and become a plasma cutter for as long as the battery lasted. The only thing she was allowed to keep after she was discharged. The sword even had her nickname carved into the handle. "Valkerie". She grabbed the sword with one hand and started playing with it a few second in the air before putting it back into it's holder on her back. After that, she put up her helmet and activated it's sensors. Nothing fancy but enough to block holo-ads and had a HUD which was expensive for her but useful. While her armor was not top-notch, it could block laser shots as well as any other. After the initial checks, she left the ship and wandered around until she found an Info-Bot. Not very intelligent for an AI but that was the fate of the AIs which chose something different than a humanoid body. This one in particular was a combination between a human head and wasp. A grotesque thing but if the AI chose it for itself, then, it was ok in Alexis's book. Getting the Info-Bot to understand her was a bit more difficult than she thought as it didn't have information about older ships and couldn't help Alexis but after some time, she managed to get the questions right and it poined her towards a mechanic which might have knowledge of older ships. As she moved towards one of the bigger ships in the docking area, she realized that her CFD badge was still attached to her arm. People usually got nervous when a bounty hunter came poking around, asking questions. Especially in a place like this. She removed it and put if beneath the armor. None could see it unless she removed it and as she didn't plan sticking around... On the walkway, a female was drinking something from a canister and as Alexis didn't know exactly who to look for, she decided to ask for directions. "[color=silver] I'm sorry to disturb you ma'am but I'm looking for a ship-engineer with knowledge of older models. A W1SP-2000, specifically. The info-bot pointed me in this direction and told me the engineer should be here. But, I don't seem to spot him. Do you know him or know where I can find him? [/color]" said Alexis. Her voice was modulated by her helmet to sound metallic in order to avoid detection and some people found it intimidating and that helped her quite a bit.