Someone came matschig er way. She could hear it. Well to be honest it was not all to difficult to hear, although there was always something of a commission around here it was not to often that someone would come along directly into this direction Still she did not care for it. She took another sip of her drink and rolled her shoulders. Just a minute or two again. Than she would finish up with this hip and her job for the day. She could go back to sleep. Oh sleeping... She jerked up when somebody talked to her. Slightly irritated blue eyes with strange little sprinkles in them met the newcomer. She was armored. And armed. Both something that she did not like, but on the other hand this woman was probably stranded here. Or getting some of the junk from this planet. Noemi was really sure that it was not about her. For a moment she thought about the words and the explanation of the info not. Strange thing. Bit useful and not too overachieving. And then she needed to think about the other mechanics around. There was an Android here, somewhere, but he was not trained on older ships. So it was really about her [color=8882be]Well.. you can look a while for him but if that should be too boring you might come back and talk to me as I am mostly likely the mechanic you were told about.[/color] she shook her head slightly and smiled. One could never be too sure if there was somebody else here, but most likely the woman front of her just misunderstood the infbot. [color=8882be]A W1SP-2000 is one hell kf an of ship, even for this region. What is wrong with it? If it is something about the navigation or the AI it might be out of my league...[/color]