[@Pyromaniacwolf] [hr][h3]Chapter I[/h3]"Having decided, for better or worse one cannot be so certain, not to plumb the dark depths you instead awaken with your mind lingering on questions. With your focus intent upon pertinent questions, you search for answers fruitlessly by grasping at phantom tangents in your mind. The first being what brought you to the shore was, certainly, the caress of the sea but what had become of your ship you do not recall, or do you? From over the railing you do recall your fall into the dark waters, christened by the night. But was it accident or intentional? All you can conjure within the mind's eye is the slow fall you began until the ocean sucked you under, how the sky turned bright and furious rather than its gem encrusted midnight tapestry." "Stranger still, when you think of where you came from, you are haunted by the ghostly thought that something terribly, truly horrible brought your vessel to the waters that claimed it. Like some monster which you cannot look directly upon lest you give in and die of fright, a shroud conceals both it and you, one from the other. Although now, in your heart of hearts as you reach to touch the pale text by your side, you feel the overwhelming presence of terror quelled. This is indeed the real world and the haunting memory of what put you aboard that doomed vessel disappears, just as the concern for why you are here. If anything, it seems fate deemed it, oddly enough - as if some sort of master plan."