Donovan looked at his three orbs and collected them. [color=orangered]"I was wondering when I was gonna see these guys again."[/color] He was confident in the monsters he submitted and was glad they were good enough for him to gain acceptance. After that, he decided to check out the paper with the list of jobs that were available for him to take. Before doing so, he addressed Jones' concern about her monster's strength. [color=orangered]"You can always find out the hard way."[/color] There would inevitably be battles ahead for them all. Donovan figured that the best way to assess their monster's strength would be through hands-on experience. After receiving the bag, Donovan opened it slightly to peek inside and see its contents. Once he was sure he had everything accounted for, he closed it and slung it over his shoulder. [color=orangered]"If we got everything settled then I think I'm ready to head out."[/color] raising up the paper with the jobs and sightings, he made his choice before taking his leave. [color=orangered]"I want to try my hand at this one."[/color] He placed his finger next to the first job, specifically the one about helping the old woman find her grandson. Primarily, Donovan selected the job because it seemed suitable for a beginner. Clearing out bandits was more of his style but he figured he and his monsters had a long way to go before they could take on a challenge of that caliber. Secondly, Donovan was also genuinely worried about the child's wellbeing and wanted to get him home safely. He was sure that finding the boy would be easy with his Magma Dog's sense of smell. Speaking of his Magma Dog, Donovan thought that it was time that he give him some fresh air since he expected to use him soon. Releasing Torch from his orb, he let out a celebratory howl before stretching. [@Mogget] [@Rai]