[center] Hermes & Xiaoli (Supported by Wenbo and Chagatai) & [img]https://i.imgur.com/DLGhcA0.png[/img] [sub]The Learner, The Martial Dancer[/sub] [/center] [hr] Xiaoli sat by the small river with a basket full of variously-sized baby clothes. Her eyes shifted lazily between the basket and the dazzling water, but she seemingly could not bring herself to start. She sat there, occasionally dropping small sighs as she leaned her cheek on her propped-up fist, looking up at the foliage at the edge of the clearing. She blinked at a small bird nest in one of the taller trees. A blue, fluffy-faced sparrow nestled and cleaned some squeaking chicks. Xiaoli’s sigh turned into a saddened groan and she grabbed one of the sweaty shirts from the basket, giving it a good old rub in the river. [color=ivory]”What’s the matter, Lady Xiaoli?”[/color] Came Arya’s voice as she floated down from the sky, landing next to the river girl, and then sitting down on her knees. She looked at Xiaoli with a soft expression in her eyes, as she cocked her head slightly. Xiaoli looked up and smiled somberly. “Speak of the flood and flood, it will… Hey, Arya. No, nothing’s the matter, really. I was just thinking to myself. Would you mind helping me with the laundry, dear?” Xiaoli lifted the shirt out of the water and waved it once through the air, the moisture in it evaporating near-instantly. She deftly folded it together and put it neatly by her side. [color=ivory]”Of course.”[/color] Arya hummed, and without saying anything else, the girl took a small shirt and dipped it into the water- giving it a ferocious scrub. After a moment of silence Arya then asked, [color=ivory]”What’s on your mind, Lady Xiaoli?”[/color] Xiaoli remained quiet until she had neatly folded the towel she had been washing. “So you’ve made up your mind about leaving?” she said without looking at her, instead grabbing another article of clothing and scrubbing it in the water. [color=ivory]”Yes.”[/color] she said softly, still washing the clothes. [color=ivory]”I…”[/color] her voice fell silent and she began to scrub harder. “No, no need to feel bad about it. It’s your right to go out and… Be an adventurer and save the world… It-... It’s an honour to do the Exalted Creators’ bidding, after all. We are happy that you’ve been given this opportunity, dear.” Xiaoli folded a woolen shirt. Arya folded the shirt she was so rigorously working on, and placed it gently on the pile. She then moved her hand to grab another piece of dirty clothing, but stopped midway, her fist balling up and then falling to the side as she looked at Xiaoli, tears falling down her cheeks. [color=ivory]”Then why does it feel so wrong to leave?”[/color] she said beginning to cry. Xiaoli looked away a little more, a somber sniff betraying her collected demeanour. “All daughters fear the moment they leave their families - yet--” Another sniff escaped her. “-- Yet we shouldn’t think of this as leaving, alright? You’re just going on a quick trip, and then you’ll be back home again. Nothing more.” She scrubbed a cloth diaper with valiant strokes. Suddenly feeling embarrassed, Arya looked away from Xiaoli. And as quickly as the girl had began to cry, she wiped away her tears with sniffles, saying, [color=ivory]”O-Okay.”[/color] she took a deep breath trying to compose herself, [color=ivory]”Y-Yeah… Just a quick trip. They… They need my help.”[/color] she said unsure of herself. [color=ivory]”I…”[/color] but once again her voice faltered, and without saying anything else, she got on her feet and began to hurry away else she break down again. “Arya! Arya!” Xiaoli called after her. As the girl turned the corner, Xiaoli huffed in defeat and dabbed at her moist eyes with the piece of cloth in her hand, wincing a little upon realising what it was. She shook her head and gave it another wash. [hr] “Oh big man with the spoon, doesn't have to listen to his mother,” Hermes taunted, a defiant Wenbo looking up at her with a curious scowl. He waved a tiny wooden spoon aggressively, whacking Hermes’ arm. She kneeled on the floor overlooking her personal bed, both babies laying in their backs. “Oh that's it,” Hermes teased and poked her fingers into his belly, “I'mma getcha!” The baby gurgled a laugh as she did it again, “I'mma getcha!” There was a loud “Gah!” from Chagatai and Hermes poked him too. “Jealous baby,” Hermes goaded and then whispered with a smile, “Wonder who you got that from, yes I do-” It was the crying that altered Hermes, to another’s presence, and for once it wasn’t her babies. In the doorway there stood Arya, arms folded as she tried to calm herself down to no avail. As soon as Hermes turned around Arya spoke, [color=ivory]”I...I tried to… Xiaoli. She said- She said it was going to be okay… but she… said it so…”[/color] Arya took another ragged breath, [color=ivory]”Like she…”[/color] Hermes turned from Chagatai and leaned back against the bed, a soft thwack coming from Wenbo's spoon. The mother rubbed the back of her head, “You tried to -- what? Xiaoli? Arya, housework can be confusing but there is no need to cry about it.” She teased and patted the floor next to her. She took a gulp, and shook her head before sitting down next to Hermes. She composed herself as she looked to the babies, then said, [color=ivory]”No...I just… Ever since I arrived here, Lady Xiaoli and I have… Not had the closest… connection, I guess. I thought I’d try to remedy that before I left...She’s just so kind and all the Servants are and they just… They’re just them and I should be used to it, but I’m not. They try so hard to hide their emotions… and I… Just wanted to see if Lady Xiaoli would… Tell me how she really felt… But instead she just said It would be a quick trip and that you both were happy for this opportunity to do the ‘Exalted Creators’ bidding.”[/color] Arya said defeated. “Awh Arya,” Hermes nudged the girl's shoulder, “Lady Xiaoli is very private with her feelings, despite her very big Shengshese heart that you see erupt now and again.” She paused and thought for a moment, “Don't take it the wrong way, we both see you as our daughter and a part of this family, even if words don't say it.” Arya gave out a small, happy sigh, and then said, [color=ivory]”You always know what to say, Hermes. It means a lot to me… You know, to be apart of something. To have… A family. I’m very thankful. Ever since I was cast out of Veradax, I didn’t have a place to go. I was just… A wanderer I guess, going from one place to another. Then I found this place… Or I guess it found me and ever since, I’ve just been really happy.”[/color] she said with a smile. “I'm happy to share it with you,” Hermes smiled, “I was a wanderer too, but I always knew where to land in the end. Building this home was just a way to mark where I wanted to be, and I can’t think of a better use of it than to share it with the people I care about. It'll always be here for you, and I will too.” She tapped her forehead and then the back of Arya's hand, “And even then, you will always have the Palace and K'nell.” Arya’s eyes seemed to sparkle at her words, ones she already knew, but ones she needed to hear again. [color=ivory]”Thank you, Her-”[/color] she paused and then her eyes grinned wide, before she said, [color=ivory]”Mom.”[/color] Hermes smiled wide and then shivered, “Oh I'm going to have to get used to that.” She gave Arya a gentle embrace, “And when you get back, we can start working on your own house so you won't have to sleep in the guest rooms.” Aya returned the embrace with a tight squeeze, then pulled away to look at the babies, [color=ivory]”Just wait until they start saying it.”[/color] she giggled before turning back to Hermes, [color=ivory]”A house? My own house? That’d be wonderful.”[/color] she mused. “Well yeah,” Hermes stood up to check on the babies, taking note of the now missing spoon. “You can't live in the guest house when you're not a guest anymore. I'll talk to Xiaoli about it--” She looked over at Arya quizzically, “Shengshi taught you the flow, right?” [color=ivory]”Yeah...You’d be surprised what you can forget when it’s…”[/color] her voice turned into a hushed whisper, [color=ivory]”Not really applicable.”[/color] she finished with a laugh. “Oh I've likely sustained more lectures than you,” Hermes winked, “But do you remember if daughters still need to use ‘lady’ or not because this is going to get clumsy fast if you and the babies are using it or only you are or only they are. I need to talk to Xiaoli.” Hermes sighed, “She's my star, and I support her philosophies readily and with all that I can, but damned if it can be confusing sometimes.” [color=ivory]”Agreed.”[/color] Arya said standing up and stretching, [color=ivory]”Now, how about we feed these boys.”[/color] she said playfully. Hermes gave her a shocked look and then began to laugh, “I'll take care of that, don't worry. I'll meet you in the dining house after, maybe a little lunch before you head out.” Arya cocked her head, slightly confused, [color=ivory]”Don’t they eat food?”[/color] she asked. “Uh huh,” Hermes smirked and snatched Abanoc's book off her nightstand. Gently guiding Arya out of the room by the shoulders she handed her the book, “If you really want to know, take a peek in here.” [color=ivory]”Well… If you say so.”[/color] Arya said, gripping the book tightly. She then turned around, looked at Hermes and then walked away. Hermes waved as she closed the slider door. [hr] Hermes let out a puff of air as she entered the dining room. The smell of stewed bilby and vegetables thickened the air. Arya and Xiaoli looked over to her, Arya already seated in front of an empty bowl and Abanoc's book. Xiaoli waited by the stirring pot. Hermes jabbed a thumb behind her, “Sorry, it took me a little to get them asleep.” “Nothing to worry about, dear,” Xiaoli mumbled absent-mindedly as she lobbed a fistfull of chopped leeks into the stew. She then added an improvised mix of local spices and herbs and stirred a few turns. “What would you two like to drink?” Arya shuffled awkwardly before piping up, [color=ivory]”I'll just have water, Lady Xiaoli.”[/color] her voice was quiet. She then turned to Hermes and shoved the book closer towards her. She then looked Hermes in the eye with embarrassment in her eyes, [color=ivory]”Never again.”[/color] she groaned. Hermes laughed and took the book, putting it on the lap of her pants, “Well now you know.” She looked over at Xiaoli and thought for a moment, “Do you have any of your special tea all done up?” Xiaoli chuckled quietly and turned to smile at the two. “Yeah, I do. A spot of Yong'ai would be wonderful right about now.” She left the pot bubbling lazily on the stove and went over to a shelf on the opposite side of the room. From there, she grabbed a circular wooden pot which neck was wrapped in cloth. She undid the wrapping, sat the pot down by the table and went back to the shelf to fetch a tea set. “Arya, dear, would you join us for some tea?” Arya shuffled where she sat and then said, [color=ivory]”Okay.”[/color] Xiaoli hummed and nodded. She filled the teapot with water from a jug and snapped her fingers. In an instant, the water reached near boiling temperatures and Xiaoli waited a moment before discarding the water. Then she added a carefully measured amount of tea into the hot pot. “Oh, the stew!” she quickly said, rushing over to the hearth again. She grabbed three bowls, filled them all and carried them to the table. “Here you go. Eat while it’s hot. No need to wait for me.” She then went back to preparing tea, adding new hot water to the pot and quickly discarding it. “You do so much,” Hermes picked up a spoon, “Maybe I can cook for you tomorrow?” “Oh, Hermes, there’s no need! I have everything under control. Thank you for your concern, though, really.” She flashed a warm smile as she poured the freshly brewed tea into the serving cup. “But what if I wanted to?” Hermes smiled back, “It can be my treat -- oh Arya, you'd miss it.” Hermes frowned, “I make a really good everything soup.” Arya picked at her stew, taking a few small bites here and there. She looked up at the mention of her name and said, [color=ivory]”Aw, that's really too bad, but I think I'll manage.”[/color] she said with a sly wink at Xiaoli. Xiaoli winked back and offered the other girls their cups and sat down. “Here, drink it while it’s hot.” Hermes slumped and ate a spoonful of her stew before taking a careful sip of the hot liquid, “I was thinking about going hunting tomorrow,” She changed the topic, “Finally stretch my limbs.” “Oh? Hunt where?” Xiaoli said as she elegantly spooned up some soup and brought it to her lips. “I don't know yet, not too far,” Hermes thought as she held her teacup below her lips, “Will you be okay alone with the twins?” Xiaoli gave her a smug grin. “Oh, please, I took care of His Lordship when He was drunk - Wenbo and Chagatai are in good hands.” “Alright but you said it not me,” Hermes winked, “But thank you, I know I'm ageless and all but not doing anything makes me feel flubby.” Xiaoli looked her up and down a little and made a flat hum. “So, Arya, how’s the tea?” Hermes frowned and looked down at her lap. [Color=ivory]”Oh, um.”[/color] Arya let out, reaching for her cup and taking a sip. She began to nod her head as she drank the hot liquid, [color=ivory]”Oh delicious, as always Lady Xiaoli.”[/color] she said sheepishly before putting down the cup and looking back down at the stew. “Arya, is everything okay?” Hermes asked without looking up, patting at her own stomach. Xiaoli put her teacup down and gave Arya a somber smile. Arya looked back up at the both of them and said, [color=ivory]”Yeah of course, I'm fine. Just enjoying the meal is all.”[/color] “Oh,” Hermes looked up and smiled. She hummed for a second and then poked Xiaoli’s knee, “Arya called me ‘Mom,’” She smiled wide, “Isn’t that wonderful?” “O-oh. Sh-she did?” Xiaoli’s stare grew empty for a moment. She quickly recovered, however, and put on the best grin she could. “Y-yes! Much overdue, actually, considering how much you’ve doted on her.” She chuckled perhaps a little too enthusiastically. “Okay,” Hermes let her spoon fall into her stew, “What’s going on.” She stared at Arya and then Xiaoli, “You’ve been giving Arya the run around.” She nudged her chin at Arya, “And you are doing more than just enjoying your meal.” She looked at Xiaoli again, “And you think I’m fat, but let’s save that for later.” Her smile was a flat line by now, “You two need to discuss what this is.” “Not fat, dear, just--” “Up bup bup!” Hermes’ eyes narrowed, “Arya and you first, I don’t even want to get started on the fat one right now, and definitely not here.” Xiaoli’s mouth became a line. She sucked in a breath through her nose and gave Arya a small smile. “Alright. Please, dear Arya, speak your mind.” Arya blushed a pink and avoided their gazes by looking down at the bowl. She silently stirred her stew, no longer hungry as a sigh escaped her. [Color=ivory]”There is nothing wrong between us. You explained it earlier Hermes and I understand. It's… Okay.”[/color] she said softly. Hermes nodded “I know,” she looked at Xiaoli, “But I think it is important that Xiaoli also knows what’s been bothering you. Whenever Xiaoli and I had different thoughts on something, we always talked about it and it always worked out in the end. I’m glad you came to me, but I think we need to mend this between all of us.” Hermes sighed, “Xiaoli?” Xiaoli folded her arms, looking rather bewildered. He adjusted her seating a little bit and looked down. “Arya, if you would enlighten me as to what you feel I have done wrong to you, I will naturally apologise and do my best to make amends - yet as of now, I fear I do not understand what’s weighing on your heart. Even as you ran earlier, I was uncertain as to whether my words or tone had offended or hurt you. Is that the reason?” [color=ivory]”Okay.”[/color] Arya whispered softly before sitting up to look at Xiaoli with a sad expression, [color=ivory]”Yes… and no,”[/color] she began, [color=ivory]”Ever since I came here I always wanted to become closer to you. It was easy with Hermes, but I tried with you, never knowing if I was doing the right thing. You are so kind, but I never know when you truly mean to be kind, or if you meant something else entirely. You just do so much for the household, there always seems to be something that needs fixed or made or cleaned; I never had enough time to try harder. I left you at the river because… Because I didn’t know what else to say.”[/color] she paused, taking a deep breath before saying, [color=ivory]”I want to call you mom too, you know, I just don’t know if you’d like that.”[/color] she finished, glancing away. Xiaoli listened patiently, her face straight-mouthed and emotionless. Occasionally, she pursed her lips and nodded politely. When Arya finished, Xiaoli waited momentarily before sucking in a breath through her nose. “I see,” she said curtly. She refilled the teacups in the ensuing silence, causing Hermes to squirm uncomfortably for a moment. She went to open her mouth, but decided against it. “So,” Xiaoli began, “you ran away from the person you would like to be your mother instead of confiding in her, because you ran out of things to say?” Xiaoli shook her head slowly and looked away. “I’m starting to think I may not be mother material after all, Hermes,” she said with a frown. “I frighten our daughter, even.” [color=ivory]”That’s not- That’s not what I meant.”[/color] Arya said bewildered. [color=ivory]”I just--”[/color] “No, no, no need to clarify. I know I can be stern. I was just… Surprised that I was -this- difficult to approach. You called me ‘lady Xiaoli’ and everything… I thought you wanted to remain at a non-familial relationship.” She huffed and gave Arya a sad frown while Hermes hid behind a slurp of her stew. Arya’s eyes went wide with disbelief, and she said, [color=ivory]”I didn’t know when to stop.”[/color] “Our relationship is closer than that of strangers, Arya, so it’s fine to ask. Did you forget about the five relationships during your time away from His Lordship?” She gave her a sly smile. Once again Arya’s face lit up in pink and she looked back down at her cold stew. [color=ivory]”I… Did.”[/color] she finally said before looking up at Xiaoli and wiping away a tear. Xiaoli sighed and put her hands on her hips, leaning forward with a playful smile. “My, you’re going to have so much fun aboard that boat.” She gave her a sly wink. “But yes, to be perfectly clear, our relationship matches that of the parent and the child - tradition expects us both to be mutually respectful, but not like a servant and a master or a mortal and a god. You, Arya, are our daughter, and may address us as ‘mother’, preferably. The rest of the customs can be discussed later, if you would like me to refresh your memory on those.” She began to nod, [color=ivory]”O-Okay. I’d like that, mother.”[/color] she said with a smile. Xiaoli smiled back. “Very good, Arya.” “And there,” Hermes clap her hands once, “All done, all better.” She wiggled her fingers, and smiled, “Almost like magic.” “I see His Lordship may not be the teacher he claims to be. I should send him a critical letter.” She scowled at the outside world for a moment. “Maybe after we finish our meals and part ways for a time. I'd like to end on a happy note,” Hermes nodded, “Dreamer tradition.” “And a good one at that,” Xiaoli giggled and had some more tea. Arya gave a content sigh as she relaxed back into her pillow chair, looking at both of her mothers, and for the first time in a long time, she knew everything was going to be okay. This is what home felt like, and what a family was supposed to be, after all. An hour of bliss later (cut only by a few moments of Hermes running out to check on the babies), and a few tight hugs Arya departed. As Arya walked out the gate to join the Servants waiting for her on the outside, the mansion’s population was once more reduced to Hermes and Xiaoli - with the children, of course. The dining room fell to silence, save for the clatter of the plates being tucked away for washing. A brief hum came from the river-girl and she finally said, “So that’s that, huh.” “You think I'm fat,” Hermes suddenly jumped in, a deep frown on her face. Xiaoli shot her a sideways glance. “I never said that,” she said quietly and drummed her fingers together. “You didn't have to,” Hermes put a pile of plates in the wash basin and folded her arms, staring intently. Xiaoli sighed in defeat and ran her eyes up and down Hermes again, her frown growing. “I don’t think you’re fat, sweetgrass! Just…” She paused and rubbed her hand over her mouth. “... Your appetite -was- elevated during the pregnancy.” Hermes gasped, “Xiaoli!” She lifted her shirt over her stomach, revealing a long stretch mark on her left abdomen, and what remained of the pregnancy fat. Underneath, her muscle had remained unchanged, “You had to check!?” Xiaoli shrugged carefully. “It may have just been your baggy shirt! L-looks normal to me! And again, I never said anything. You accuse me of thinking you’re fat, when I never did - ever.” She folded her arms and huffed. “You look at me like you think I'm disgusting,” Hermes pouted and pulled her shirt down, “I saw the look you gave me during dinner.” “What look? Come on, Hermes, you know I could never see you as disgusting.” She approached quietly, arms held out in an embracing manner. “You know the look,” Hermes took a step back, “You know I've been sensitive about the changes since the twins and when I said I felt fat doing nothing you examined me like I was one of your projects and then changed the subject.” Xiaoli’s brow furrowed. “You’re overthinking this, Hermes. There was nothing to that look. The subject was sensitive, so I chose to avoid it - like you do when you are eating dinner.” Her voice grew stern and sharp. Hermes narrowed her eyes, “Well fine, but you don't have to get mad at me.” “Oh, -I’m- the one getting mad. Alright.” She sucked in a deep breath. “Let’s just drop this for now, okay? There are chores to be done.” Hermes crossed her arms, “Fine.” The room fell silent. Xiaoli passed by Hermes and sat down by the washing basin. She filled it with water and began to scrub the dishes. “It's my thighs, isn't it,” Hermes suddenly piped up, looking up from the table and the washcloth in her hand. Xiaoli groaned. “Hermes, we agreed to drop it, didn’t we?” “Yup!” Hermes scrubbed vigorously, a scowl on her face. She stood up and tossed the cloth onto the table, “I need to get a breath of air real quick.” Xiaoli sighed. “Hermes?” “Yes?” Hermes looked over, halfway to the door. “It’s the thighs,” she conceded with a defeated look and put down the plate she was scrubbing. Hermes looked down at her legs and frowned, “R-Really?” The river-girl nodded slowly. “I don’t think it’s disgusting - just…” She bit her lower lip. “It’s new,” she mumbled. “Well you can't expect me to be perfect right after giving birth,’” Hermes huffed with a hurt look in her eyes. “I know, I know! It’s just my perfectionism acting up again and it ended up hurting you and--” She closed her eyes and calmed herself. “I love you, Hermes. Nothing has changed. I’m just being… A bit too much like myself.” Hermes stared at Xiaoli, her brow a slant and her eyes clearly upset. Finally she said, “I love you too.” Almost doubling over her words she quickly added, “It's going to go away. Do I need to be worried every time I have a child? It's not even that much!” “You don’t need to worry! I won’t comment on it again. Really, there is no reason to think this will affect anything.” Xiaoli picked up a plate again and began to scrub. Glancing at Hermes’ face now and again Xiaoli recognised the flicker in Hermes’ eyes, one that would eventually come after her temper and her more emotional moments. Finally Hermes sighed, her voice a shade calmer, “Well, at least you told me.” “You know how I hate being direct, meanie,” Xiaoli pouted and stacked the final plate onto the tower of pottery before standing up and moving to wipe the table. “I know and it really nags at me sometimes,” Hermes rolled her eyes, “Tables already wiped.” Xiaoli gave it a quick lookover. “So it is. I’ll clean the floor, then,” she said and grabbed the broom by the wall. She then began to sweep together the dust and refuse that they had pulled inside. Hermes sighed, “Xiaoli?” “Hmm?” Xiaoli hummed. The dreamer cleared her throat, as if swallowing her temper, “I do appreciate it when you do tell me things, or like when you talked with Arya. I know it’s not your favorite thing to do.” “Yeah…” Xiaoli mumbled and wrinkled her nose. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but it won’t exactly be the norm.” “I know,” Hermes admitted, “And I’m not asking you to change, just know that I do notice it when you do, and it makes things a little easier. Now that I know what’s been on your mind about the Arya thing, and my own weight issues, it doesn’t seem as pressing as before.” “They aren’t--” She cut herself off. “... Don’t call them issues - it implies they must be fixed.” She swept the gathered dust and litter out the doorway past Hermes. “Like you said. It’s natural and nothing to be ashamed about. I’m happy I’ve made it easier on you, but… Could-... Could we drop it now?” Her face was pink with embarrassment, or possibly shame. “Okay,” Hermes nodded and slumped onto one of the cushions. There was a pause and Hermes eyes flickered down in thought. Xiaoli began putting the plates and cups back on their shelves, quiet all the while. She also put the tea container back on the shelf. Hermes brought a hand up to her chin and pinched it, her brow lowering as her thoughts deepened. Xiaoli added a few more logs to the hearth and sighed. “What are you thinking about, dear?” “Well,” Hermes started and let her hand fall to her side, “I was just thinking -- with my massive thighs, how are you going to fit on the bed?” The side of her lips curled slightly as she attempted to remain serious. Xiaoli’s lips flattened and her brow sank low over her eyes. “I’m joking!” Hermes stood up, a small laugh in her throat, “Oh Xiaoli,” She walked over to the river-girl. Xiaoli crossed her arms over her chest, her teeth gritting against one another, causing Hermes to stop and flinch. She took a deep breath through the nose. “Are you really just going to keep rubbing it in my face until I grovel or something?” “No!” Hermes chest sank, “I’m sorry, Xiaoli.” “I’ve asked you to drop it, I don’t know how how many-- No, no. I’m not mad. I am -not- mad. I started this, so I should naturally be shamed for it. Yes, naturally.” “Nonono” Hermes shook her head, “Don’t worry about it, really. I won’t bring it up again.” “Right, won’t you, now? Sure.” “I don’t even know what it is anymore,” Hermes gave a single nod, “All done.” Xiaoli walked over to her, leaned forward and prodded her chest with her index finger. “That’s right. All done. I will go see to the boys. Would you gather us some more firewood in the meanwhile, please?” Hermes rubbed her chest and nodded, “Of course, sure. If Wenbo is awake, don’t let him have his spoon.” “Yes, and keep anything smaller than a fist away from Chagatai’s mouth.” She dusted herself off a little and went to walk out the door. “Xiaoli?” “Yes?” “Maybe tomorrow instead of hunting... you, me and the boys go for a walk?” Xiaoli blinked, then smiled warmly with a single chuckle. “I’d like that,” she said affectionately. [hr] [hider=The Big Bye] Xiaoli washes some clothes. Arya comes over to help. Xiaoli says some shit and Arya runs away like a bitch. Hermes does wholesome shit with the babies. Arya comes in and asks why Xiaoli says shit. Hermes explains by saying ‘is cuz the flow’. Arya nods and the three eat awkward dinner together. They talk about some ‘nice weather today’-esque things, during which Xiaoli implies she thinks Hermes gettin’ some chub, until Hermes is like, ‘okay, what did y’all do?’ Arya explains that she wants Xiaoli to be her mommy and Xiaoli’s like ‘why didn’t you just ask, fam?’ She’s like ‘shiet, didn’t think of that’. Arya is adopted into the Hermli clan and promptly sent off. After Arya leaves, Hermes drops the ‘you think I’m fat’-question and they have a long and arduous quarrel about whether Hermes got thicc after pregnancy or no. In the end, Xiaoli admits she might’a gotten a lil’ thicc, so Hermes is hella insulted. However, she still happy Xiaoli told her, but the mood still hella cold. Xiaoli says she hates being direct and Hermes says she hates Xiaoli hating being direct. Hermes says that she’s happy she was direct, though, but Xiaoli’s like ‘yeah, don’t get used to it’. Hermes tries to say that she’s happy Xiaoli was honest, but Xiaoli’s getting really tired of talking about it over and over again. They shut up for a sec, but Hermes tries to crack a joke to lighten the mood, one which only serves to infuriate Xiaoli due to wounded pride and honour. She gets mad at Hermes, Hermes is like ‘shiet, fam, i didn’t mean it like that. we coo?” Xiaoli replies, “we coo, just shut up about it.” Hermes agrees and they share a moment ended with Hermes offering that they go for a walk with the bois the next day. Xiaoli agrees and we get a dreamer ending. [center][h1][u]“It's because of the flow”[/u][/h1] - [i]An age old saying from confused men[/i][/center] [/hider] [Hider=Prestigio] Hermes: The Martial Artist, The Scholar, The Dancer, The Mother, The Quick 3+38=41 Arya: The Learner, The Martial Dancer +23 Prestige Starting +1 For Minor Role +1 For Major Role +1 For Jolly Collaboration = +26 Prestige Ending [hider=Skills/Abilities Learned] +6 Prestige on Fighting +6 Prestige on Dancing +6 Prestige on Martial Dancing. +1FP for flight. +2FP for ‘evil eyes’ ability. Causes nightmares to those that distress Arya. [/hider] [/hider]