[@Duthguy] Jello cancel it's Lime's Mime. Slime-kind currently lacks a frame of reference for what these infused items could be useful for. No doubt they have absorbed magical energy, but what to do with them? Further experimentation is likely needed... Mulling it over, Jello pops through the doorway. [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/52dc0f5da3a9537f089c9a635635a520.png[/img] Jello is now standing in a small chamber. The walls and floors are lined with dungeon stone. In front of Jello is a small stone pool filled with liquid, and a pedestal rises out of it. Around the pool is some sort of green organic material. Above, vines are slowly shrivelling up in the dark. Jello's magical power is regenerating (3/6) [/center] [@The Elvenqueen] Success! Wibble climbs out it's Wibble sized hole. Wibble submerges itself in the Slime Pool. Next turn Wibble will emerge as a Nimble Slime! [@Ladypug] OGOD WHY OGODOGOD oh we're on a stump now. [@Scarescrow] The great sage of not one but [i]two[/i] students, heads off in search of adventure. [center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/793a5ed4579956789cc5e1ea13511a72.png[/img][/center]