[@Cio][@Kinjaav] [color=662d91][h1] [center]Hayato Nijimura [/center] [/h1][/color] "I was at a bar called McLaughlin, My name is Hayato. Sorry my id is in my other pants" He answered the police officer laughing softly now not wanting to answer anything further until he his lawyer was present. Having his hands cuffed staring back at Evren with a strange smile on his face, He was going to enjoy ripping out his eyes and eating the girl's brains of course that would be when he would escape or leave. For now the revenge can wait as he needed a way out of police custody and speak with his boss about what happened. He hoped the the Yazuka's lawyer could get him out of this mess, Because if not then he would be at their mercy. Which would be something he would dread, If the latter happened then he would be at their beck and call doing whatever they ask so his sentence could be shorten. However he would have to hold out not letting the cops know about his and his group's illegal activities.