[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/R3xXvjX.png[/img][/center] [b]> It's time, Liquid. Request their Situation Reports.[/b] Liquid activated his radio. "All teams, report your status." A feminine voice was the first to respond. [color=blue][i]"Scribe Xi here. We're ready to move in on your signal."[/i][/color] A male voice, practically sizzling with vocal fry, was next. [i]"This is Lee. Awaiting the order."[/i] [color=gold][b][i]"We've finished our preparations,"[/i][/b][/color] came from the dulcet tones of an older, jovial man. Finally, an androgynous voice spoke. [color=magenta][i]"We are all ready to meet the enemy."[/i][/color] [b]> Give them the order.[/b] Liquid took a deep breath, and gave a wordless prayer. "Alright then. Let's send them into embrace of the Archangel." And with that, the signal was given. [b]> Liquid: visualize the movements of your allies.[/b] According to the plans that they had went over, Scribe Xi would be opening the throttle wide on her motorcycle, plunging herself and Collector Delta deep into the mist within the western gate. A lone bone spider would skitter into the mist from the east. From the south entrance of the graveyard, outside observers would see a large pickup truck barreling into the mist with a large cardboard box in the bed, flanked by eleven motorcycles and their white-coated riders - the Disciples of the Hand of God. Another thirteen Timberwolves would be driving through the northern entrance to the graveyard - the Disciples of the Fisher of Men, who would drive at the head of the charge in a hooded black coat. [b]> Confirm the status of your own team.[/b] Liquid motioned to his Disciples and the rest of his allies, making sure they were ready to move in. They were behind him, weapons drawn and at the ready. There was only one thing left to do now. [b]> Cleanse the abandoned school of Soth's influence.[/b] [@BrokenPromise][@Crusader Lord]