Parum followed the rear With Torus behind her, but Kyra ended up triggering a trap that caused rocks to fall from above. [color=7ea7d8]"I knew it-"[/color] She was barely able to say as she slashed some stones out of the way almost by instinct. When Parum tells this was a story she would say that her quit wits and cunning speed allowed her to swiftly cut the stones out of her path without a scratch on her, but in reality a few sizable rocks did manage to hit her, but none of the larger and more threatening ones fortunately. With that trap gone Parum walked up the rest of the stairs and spotted her party in pitch combat with the kobolds. She needed to conserve her magic for now so it'll just be simple cantrips as she plucked her viol and targeted one of the kobolds attacking Torus. [color=7ea7d8]"Wux rechan tonashi vur slathalin hefoc tonashi!"[/color] She snarled as she tried to find some cover to hide behind. [hider=Info] Translation: [color=7ea7d8]"You throw rocks and fight like rocks!"[/color] HP: 18/23 Parum Casts Vicious Mockery Wisdom Save DC 13 for a whopping [url=]1[/url] point of psychic damage if the kobold fails. Parum will find cover with whatever movement she has left. [/hider]